Choppa Equipment Sets

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Tier 1 sets


Decimator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Decimator Stompas 7/7 22 War Crest Icon.png 80 4 2 6 6 / / / /
Decimator Tuff Chest 8/8 40 War Crest Icon.png 110 6 / 8 5 + 1% Reduced Chance to be Parried / / /
Decimator Bellybuckle 8/8 13 War Crest Icon.png / 3 / 4 2 / 33 20 20
Total 8/8 75 War Crest Icon.png 190 13 2 18 13 / 33 20 20
2 Piece + 16 Strength
3 Piece + 22 Wounds


Braggart Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Stompas of the Braggart 7/7 22 War Crest Icon.png 80 / 6 2 4 6 / / / /
Tuff Chest of the Braggart 8/8 40 War Crest Icon.png 110 8 5 / 6 / + 1% Parry / / /
Bellybuckle of the Braggart 7/7 13 War Crest Icon.png 80 4 2 / 3 / / 23 23 25
Total 8/8 75 War Crest Icon.png 190 12 13 2 13 6 / 23 23 25
2 Piece + 18 Weapon SKill
2 Piece + 22 Toughness


Carnage Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of Carnage 5 13 56 2 1 / 4 5 /
Tuff Chest of Carnage 5 40 70 / 4 2 5 / + 3 Melee Power
Total 5 53 126 2 5 2 9 5 /
2 Piece + 10 Strength


Hunter Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Hunter's Stompas 7 55 4 4 2 2 /
Hunter's Tuff Chest 8 110 / 8 5 4 + 2% Dodge
Total 8 165 4 12 7 6 /
2 Piece + 2% Melee Critical Chance

Tier 2 sets


Obliterator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Obliterator Stompas 15/15 10 160 4 / 5 7 12 /
Obliterator Punchas 16/16 5 168 / 6 5 14 7 /
Obliterator Tuff Chest 17/17 18 220 / 9 / 15 6 + 2% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Total 17/17 33 548 4 15 10 36 25 /
2 Piece + 27 Strength
3 Piece + 1 Path of Da' Savage Abilites


Challenger Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of the Challenger 15/15 18 160 4 / 4 7 13 /
Punchas of the Challenger 16/16 21 168 5 6 7 14 / /
Tuff Chest of the Challenger 17/17 50 220 / 9 / 15 6 + 2% Disrupt
Total 17/17 89 548 9 15 11 36 19 /
2 Piece + 27 Toughness
3 Piece + 1 to Path of Da' Wrecka Abilities


Havoc Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of Havoc 13 13 128 7 3 / 9 / + 1% Melee Critical Chance
Punchas of Havoc 14 15 136 / 4 3 7 11 /
Tuff Chestof Havoc 15 40 180 9 / / 12 3 + 2% Dodge
Total 15 68 444 16 7 3 28 14 /
2 Piece + 23 Strength
3 Piece + 1 to Path of Da' Hitta Abilities


Tracker Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Tracker's Stompas 14 120 3 / 4 6 9 /
Tracker's Punchas 12 104 5 3 / 7 / + 8 Hate Reduction
Tracker's Tuff Chest 16 170 / 8 / 12 4 + 20 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 16 394 8 11 4 25 13 /
2 Piece + 20 Strength
3 Piece + 1 to Path of Da' Savage Abilities


Keeper Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist.
Keeper's Stompas 17 1 160 3 6 / 7 12 / /
Keeper's Punchas 17 1 168 8 / 3 13 6 / /
Keeper's Sholdaspikes 17 1 216 / / / 13 15 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit /
Keeper's Skully 17 1 180 / / / 23 8 / 43
Keeper's Tuff Chest 17 1 220 / 10 7 15 / + 2 Morale Per Second /
Total 17 5 944 11 16 10 71 41 / 43
3 Piece + 27 Strength
4 Piece + 1 Path of Da' Savage Abilities
5 Piece + 25% Auto Attack Haste.

Tier 3 sets


Devastator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Devastator Stompas 26/26 12 264 8 7 / 11 20 /
Devastator Punchas 27/27 8 280 / / 4 19 15 + 1% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Devastator Sholdaspikes 28/28 16 342 / 15 / 23 9 + 2% Melee Critical Chance
Devastator Skully 29/29 20 324 / 10 5 25 17 /
Devastator Tuff Chest 29/29 25 380 9 / 16 26 / + 40 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 29/29 81 1590 17 32 25 104 61 /
2 Piece + 47 Strength
3 Piece + 240 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece Clarity - Any Ability : 10% chance to reduce the cost of the next ability used within 10 seconds to 0 AP
5 Piece + 4% Melee Critical Chance


Duelist Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of the Duelist 26/26 20 264 8 7 / 11 20 /
Punchas of the Duelist 27/27 24 280 12 / 7 19 / + 1% Parry
Sholdaspikes of the Duelist 28/28 28 342 / 20 / 18 9 + 2% Melee Critical Chance
Skully of the Duelist 29/29 32 324 / 15 9 20 13 /
Tuff Chest of the Duelist 29/29 61 380 16 / 19 16 / + 40 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 29/29 165 1590 36 42 35 84 42 /
2 Piece + 47 Toughness
3 Piece + 240 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece Reactionary - On On Defense: 25% Chance to increase Parry, Evade, and Dodge by 10% for 10 seconds
5 Piece + 5% Parry


Mayhem Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of Mayhem 22 13 216 / 6 7 17 7 /
Punchas of Mayhem 23 15 224 / 10 / 15 6 + 1% Parry
Sholdaspikes of Mayhem 24 18 261 11 / / 18 7 + 2% Reduction in Being Critically Hit
Skully of Mayhem 25 20 260 / 10 2 25 8 /
Tuff Chest of Mayhem 24 40 290 13 7 / 20 / + 32 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 25 106 1251 24 33 9 95 28 /
2 Piece + 37 Strength
3 Piece + 192 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece + 37 Toughness
5 Piece Corrosion - On Hit: 10% chance to lower target's Armor by 870 for 10 Seconds.


Stalker Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stalker's Stompas 26 264 / 7 / 12 4 + 2 % Dodge
Stalker's Punchas 26 280 / 8 / 23 5 + 1% Melee Critical Chance
Stalker's Sholdaspikes 28 342 11 / 5 18 7 /
Stalker's Tuff Chest 30 380 / / 12 19 7 + 2% Disrupt
Total 30 1366 11 15 17 72 23 /
2 Piece + 34 Strength
3 Piece + 2 Morale Per Second
4 Piece + 34 Wounds

Tier 4 sets


Annihilator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Annihilator Stompas 35/35 32 366 21 / 13 10 / +2% Dodge
Annihilator Punchas 35/36 37 366 / 14 9 11 23 /
Annihilator Sholdaspikes 35/37 55 424 12 18 / 25 / + 1% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Annihilator Skully 35/38 50 424 13 / 15 25 / + 2% Disrupt
Annihilator Tuff Chest 35/39 67 472 / 23 / 32 15 + 60 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 35/39 241 2052 46 55 37 103 38 /
2 Piece + 53 Toughness
3 Piece + 290 Elemental Resistance
4 Piece + 1 Path of Da' Wrecka Abilities
5 Piece + 5% Parry

Conqueror Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Conqueror Stompas 40/40 70 392 / 10 16 14 + 2% Melee Critical Chance / / /
Conqueror Punchas 40/41 81 392 / 8 15 25 + 2% Reduced Chance to be Parried / / /
Conqueror Bellybuckle 40/42 49 / 18 12 6 / + 36 Melee Power 83 77 83
Conqueror Sholdaspikes 40/43 111 450 18 / 30 12 + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / /
Conqueror Skully 40/44 122 450 / 17 30 10 + 2% Reduced Chance to be Blocked / / /
Conqueror Tuff Chest 40/45 147 510 13 / 33 19 + 3 AP Per Second / / /
Total 40/45 580 2194 49 47 130 80 / 83 77 83
2 Piece + 57 Strength
3 Piece + 63 Wounds
4 Piece + 5% Reduced Chance to be Parried
5 Piece On Hit : 25% chance to steal 100 Toughness from your target for 10 seconds
6 Piece + 5% Melee Critical Chance

Vanquisher Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Weapon Skill Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Vanquisher Stompas 40/56 109 418 15 / 15 21 + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / /
Vanquisher Punchas 40/56 126 418 10 10 / 23 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / /
Vanquisher Bellybuckle 40/55 76 / 13 8 / 19 + 36 Melee Power 87 86 86
Vanquisher Sholdaspikes 40/57 172 482 / 15 16 23 + 2% Melee Critical Chance / / /
Vanquisher Skully 40/57 189 482 15 10 / 31 + 3% Reduced Chance to be Parried / / /
Vanquisher Tuff Chest 40/58 229 548 11 15 20 39 / / / /
Total 40/58 901 2348 64 58 51 156 / 87 86 86
2 Piece + 62 Strength
3 Piece + 68 Wounds
4 Piece Vicious Strikes - On Hit: 15% chance to reduce target's Toughness by 110 while increasing your Weaponskill by 110 for 10 Seconds
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critial Chance
6 Piece + 4% Damage

Invader Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Invader Stompas 40/61 25 442 / / 18 22 / +2% Disrupt + 3 Morale Per Second / / /
Invader Punchas 40/61 21 442 15 17 / 25 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / / /
Invader Bellybuckle 40/60 15 / / / / 18 12 +2% Parry + 2% Dodge 91 91 91
Invader Sholdaspikes 40/62 35 514 / 20 / 26 12 + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / / /
Invader Skully 40/62 37 514 13 / 18 29 / + 3% Armor Penetration / / / /
Invader Tuff Chest 40/63 45 584 / 12 16 36 21 + 1 AP Per Second / / / /
Invader Fangbone 40/63 43 / / 27 / 12 / + 2% Reduced chance to be Parried + 2 AP Per Second 79 78 78
Total 40/63 221 2496 28 76 52 168 45 / / 170 169 169
2 Piece + 66 Strengh
3 Piece + 73 Wounds
4 Piece + 5% Reduced chance to be Parried
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critial Chance
6 Piece Red Frenzy - On Critical Hit: 10% chance to increase your auto attack damage by 25% for 5 seconds.
7 Piece Overwhelm - While you are Furious, all of your attacks will ignore 10% of your enemies armor. While you are Berserk, all of your attacks will ignore 20% of your enemies armor.

Warlord Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Warlord Stompas 40/71 31 482 15 15 10 26 / + 1% Dodge + 1% Disrupt / / /
Warlord Punchas 40/71 27 482 18 20 10 20 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / / /
Warlord Bellybuckle 40/70 19 / / 18 18 18 / + 2% Dodge +2% Parry 102 101 101
Warlord Sholdaspikes 40/72 42 572 17 15 / 17 30 + 2% Reduced chance to be Parried / / / /
Warlord Skully 40/72 47 572 18 14 15 24 / + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / / /
Warlord Tuff Chest 40/73 57 646 20 20 20 33 / + 2% Parry / / / /
Warlord Boyz' Ring 40/73 54 / / 15 / 20 14 + 4 AP Per Second / 87 87 86
Warlord Rappin 40/70 24 / 17 19 20 18 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste / 101 101 102
Total 40/73 301 2754 105 136 73 176 44 / / 290 289 289
2 Piece + 75 Strengh
3 Piece + 83 Weapon Skill
4 Piece + 15% Auto Attack Haste
5 Piece + 99 Melee Power
6 Piece + 2 Path of Da' Hitta Abilities
7 Piece Depleting - On Hit: 10% chance to remove 50 AP from target
8 Piece Gain ability: No Stopping Me

Sovereign Set of da Berserker (Primary)

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Bonus #3 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Sovereign Stompas 40/76 44 494 / / 20 25 / + 2% Disrupt + 3 Morale Per Second + 1% Dodge / / /
Sovereign Punchas 40/76 38 494 20 18 / 30 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / / / /
Sovereign Bellybuckle 40/75 26 / / 17 / 20 17 + 2% Parry + 2% Dodge / 102 101 101
Sovereign Sholdaspikes 40/77 59 592 / 20 / 33 18 + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / / / /
Sovereign Skully 40/77 65 592 17 / 20 30 / + 4% Armor Penetration / / / / /
Sovereign Tuff Chest 40/78 79 668 / 20 20 38 22 + 1 AP Per Second / / / / /
Sovereign Fangbone 40/78 75 / / 30 14 15 / + 1% Melee Critial Chance / / 87 87 86
Sovereign Rappin 40/75 33 / / 20 17 21 / + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / 101 101 102
Total 40/78 419 2840 37 125 91 215 57 / / / 290 289 289
2 Piece + 80 Strength
3 Piece + 88 Wounds
4 Piece + 6% Armor Penetration
5 Piece + 6% Melee Critial Chance
6 Piece + 2 Path of Da' Wrecka Abilities
7 Piece On Hit: 10% chance to increase target's chance to be critically hit by 7% for 10 Seconds
8 Piece Gain ability: Desolation

Sovereign Set of da Flurry (Secondary)

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Sovereign Stompas 40/76 44 494 / 20 18 28 / + 2% Dodge / / / /
Sovereign Punchas 40/76 38 494 / 20 / 23 23 + 2% Parry / / / /
Sovereign Bellybuckle 40/75 26 / / 18 15 21 / + 2% Parry + 2% Dodge 102 101 101
Sovereign Sholdaspikes 40/77 59 592 / 16 25 30 / + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / / /
Sovereign Skully 40/77 65 592 20 16 20 25 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / / /
Sovereign Tuff Chest 40/78 79 668 20 20 / 30 15 + 4 AP Per Second / / / /
Sovereign Fangbone 40/78 75 / / 16 20 20 / + 2% Disrupt / 87 87 86
Sovereign Rappin 40/75 33 / / 18 / 20 20 + 2% Melee Critial Chance / 101 101 102
Total 40/78 419 2840 40 144 98 197 58 / / 290 289 289
2 Piece + 80 Strength
3 Piece + 88 Toughness
4 Piece + 96 Wounds
5 Piece + 734 Armor Bonus
6 Piece + 2 Path of Da' Savage Abilities
7 Piece On Being Attacked: 10% chance to reduce incoming damage by 4% for 10 Seconds
8 Piece Gain ability: Inexorable Force

RvR Auxiliary

Overlord Set

Rank Costs / Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2
Sholdaspikes of the Overlord 40 80 / 120 475 12 / 23 29 + 5% Auto Attack Haste + 1% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Skully of the Overlord 40 80 / 120 475 / 12 28 24 + 5% Auto Attack Haste + 1% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Total 40 160 / 240 950 12 12 51 53 / /
2 Piece + 61 Wounds

Imperator Set

Rank Costs / Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Sholdaspikes of the Imperator 40 80 / 120 475 28 10 / 12 14 + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration
Skully of the Imperator 40 80 / 120 475 28 10 14 12 / + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Total 40 160 / 240 950 56 20 14 24 14 /
2 Piece + 61 Initiative

RvR Accessories


Warrior Set

Rank Cost Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Genesis Aspect of the Warrior 36 1 Genesis Aspect / 24 / + 36 Melee Power / 64 64 64
Genesis Fragment of the Warrior 36 1 Genesis Fragment / / 14 + 3% Parry / 53 53 53
Genesis Remnant of the Warrior 36 1 Genesis Remnant 24 / 24 / / 64 64 64
Genesis Shard of the Warrior 36 1 Genesis Shard / / / + 2% Dodge + 2% Disrupt 55 55 55
Genesis Cloak of the Warrior 36 1 Genesis Cloak / / 28 + 4 AP Per Second / 53 53 53
Total 36 / 24 24 66 / / 289 289 289
2 Piece + 37 Strength
3 Piece + 3% Reduced Chance to be Parried
4 Piece + 37 Weapon Skill
5 Piece + 3% Melee Critical Chance

Undying Set

Rank Cost Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Genesis Aspect of the Undying 36 1 Genesis Aspect 24 / 24 / / 64 64 64
Genesis Fragment of the Undying 36 1 Genesis Fragment / 14 / + 3% Parry / 53 53 53
Genesis Remnant of the Undying 36 1 Genesis Remnant 24 24 / / / 64 64 64
Genesis Shard of the Undying 36 1 Genesis Shard / / / + 2% Dodge + 2% Disrupt 55 55 55
Genesis Cloak of the Undying 36 1 Genesis Cloak 28 / / + 4AP Per Second / 53 53 53
Total 36 / 76 48 24 / / 289 289 289
2 Piece + 37 Wounds
3 Piece + 3% Reduced Armor Penetration
4 Piece + 37 Toughness
5 Piece + 3% Reduced Chance to be Critically Hit


Brawler Set

Rank/Renown Costs Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Icon of the Brawler 36 1 12 13 17 / 62 62 62
Mark of the Brawler 36 1 / / 24 + 1% Parry 68 68 68
Cinture of the Brawler 36 1 / 15 15 + 18 Melee Power 60 60 60
Total 36 3 12 28 56 / 190 190 190
3 Piece + 4 Morale Per Second

Assailant Set

Rank/Renown Costs Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Icon of the Assailant 36 1 16 16 20 / / 69 69 69
Mark of the Assailant 36 1 / / 19 + 2% Parry / 72 72 72
Cloak of the Assailant 36 1 / / 16 + 2 AP Per Second + 18 Melee Power 65 65 65
Total 36 3 16 16 55 / / 206 206 206
3 Piece +3% Reduced Chance to be Parried


Mercenary Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of the Mercenary 35/35 46 366 10 / / 21 13 + 2% Dodge
Punchas of the Mercenary 35/36 54 366 / 14 9 11 23 /
Sholdaspikes of the Mercenary 35/37 80 424 12 / / 25 18 + 1% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Skully of the Mercenary 35/38 73 424 / 14 / 23 13 + 2% Disrupt
Tuff Chest of the Mercenary 35/39 98 472 / 12 / 30 17 + 3 AP Per Second
Total 35/39 351 2048 22 40 9 110 84 /
2 Piece + 53 Strength
3 Piece + 290 Elemental Resistance
4 Piece + 1 to Path of Da' Hitta Abilities
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critial Chance

Dominator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Dominator Stompas 40/40 119 392 14 / 10 16 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / /
Dominator Punchas 40/41 103 392 15 8 / 25 + 2% Parry / / /
Dominator Bellybuckle 40/42 72 / 24 18 12 6 / 83 77 83
Dominator Sholdaspikes 40/43 162 450 29 / 16 12 + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / /
Dominator Skully 40/44 178 450 30 10 / 17 + 2% Disrupt / / /
Dominator Tuff Chest 40/45 216 510 13 / 33 19 + 3 AP Per Second / / /
Total 40/45 850 2194 125 36 71 95 / 83 77 83
2 Piece + 57 Strength
3 Piece + 63 Wounds
4 Piece + 561 Armor
5 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to form a protective barrier that will absorb up to 183 damage over 5 seconds
6 Piece + 5% Reduction in Being Critically Hit

Oppressor Set

Rank/Renown Cost Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon SKill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Oppressor Stompas 40/56 182 418 15 10 / 18 / + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / / /
Oppressor Punchas 40/56 157 418 11 25 / 15 / + 2% Parry / / / /
Oppressor Bellybuckle 40/55 110 / / / / 15 12 + 36 Melee Power + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration 87 86 86
Oppressor Sholdaspikes 40/57 248 482 15 28 / 19 / + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / / /
Oppressor Skully 40/57 273 482 12 33 / 17 / + 2% Parry / / / /
Oppressor Tuff Chest 40/58 331 548 / 29 16 20 / + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / / /
Total 40/58 1301 2348 53 125 16 104 12 / 87 86 86
2 Piece + 62 Strength
3 Piece + 68 Wounds
4 Piece Endure - On Being Hit: 15% chance to reduce attackers Strength, Ballistic Skill and Intelligence by 110 while increasing your Initiative by 110 for 10 Seconds
5 Piece + 5% Reduction in being Critically Hit
6 Piece + 4% Damage


Triumphant Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon SKill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Triumphant Stompas 40/66 648 470 / 19 21 19 + 10% Auto Attack Haste / / /
Triumphant Punchas 40/66 752 470 14 / 23 13 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / /
Triumphant Bellybuckle 40/65 456 / 11 / 23 13 + 36 Melee Power 94 94 94
Triumphant Sholdaspikes 40/67 1024 550 15 16 / 25 + 2% Melee Critical Chance / / /
Triumphant Skully 40/67 1128 550 13 / 34 18 + 3% Reduced chance to be Parried / / /
Triumphant Tuff Chest 40/68 1360 616 20 20 39 16 / / / /
Triumphant Rappin 40/65 760 / 10 18 23 10 + 2 AP Per Second 94 94 94
Total 40/68 6128 2656 83 73 163 114 / 188 188 188
2 Piece + 71 Strength
3 Piece + 78 Wounds
4 Piece Vicious Strikes - On Hit: 15% chance to reduce target's Toughness by 130 while increasing your Weaponskill by 130 for 10 Seconds
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critical Chance
6 Piece + 4% Damage
7 Piece On Hit: 10% chance to increase Block Strikethrough and Parry Strikethrough by 7% for 10 Seconds

Victorious Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Victorious Stompas 40/66 648 470 19 14 / 18 / + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / / /
Victorious Punchas 40/66 752 470 11 25 / 16 / + 3% Parry / / / /
Victorious Bellybuckle 40/65 456 / / / / 17 12 + 36 Melee Power + 3% Reduced Armor Penetration 94 94 94
Victorious Sholdaspikes 40/67 1024 550 20 28 / 21 / + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / / /
Victorious Skully 40/67 1128 550 15 36 / 20 / + 2% Parry / / / /
Victorious Tuff Chest 40/68 1360 616 / 29 16 20 / + 3% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / / /
Victorious Rappin 40/65 760 / 10 21 18 10 / + 2% Parry / 94 94 94
Total 40/68 6128 2656 75 153 34 122 12 / 188 188 188
2 Piece + 71 Strength
3 Piece + 78 Wounds
4 Piece Endure - On Being Hit: 15% chance to reduce attackers Strength, Ballistic Skill and Intelligence by 130 while increasing your Initiative by 130 for 10 Seconds
5 Piece + 5% Reduction in being Critically Hit
6 Piece + 4% Damage
7 Piece Domination - On Hit: 25% chance to steal 130 Toughness from your target for 10 Seconds


Ruin Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Stompas of Ruin 34 13 328 11 9 / 10 20 /
Punchas of Ruin 35 15 328 10 / / 20 8 + 2% Parry
Sholdaspikes of Ruin 35 18 378 11 / 13 27 / + 1% Melee Critical Chance
Skully of Ruin 36 20 378 / 14 11 23 11 /
Tuff Chest of Ruin 36 40 430 / 15 / 29 14 + 2 Morale Per Second
Total 36 106 1851 31 38 24 109 53 /
2 Piece + 48 Strength
3 Piece + 265 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece + 1 to Path of Da' Savage Abilities
5 Piece + 63 Toughness

Onslaught Set

Rank/Renown Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Onslaught Stompas 40/32 406 14 16 18 / / + 18 Melee Power
Onslaught Punchas 40/32 406 / 16 12 24 / + 10% Auto Attack Haste
Onslaught Sholdaspikes 40/32 462 20 / / 25 16 + 2 AP Per Second
Onslaught Skully 40/32 462 18 23 / 20 / + 1% Reduction in Being Critically Hit
Onslaught Tuff Chest 40/32 518 / 20 / 27 16 + 3% Reduced Armor Penetration
Total 40/32 2254 52 75 30 95 32 /
2 Piece + 58 Wounds
3 Piece + 64 Strength
4 Piece Preservation - On Being Hit : 10% chance to increase Wounds by 100 for 20 seconds
5 Piece + 5% Disrupt


Beastlord Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Beastlord Boyz' Ring 40 / / / / 24 13 +1 AP Per Second 60 60 64
Beastlord Cloak 40 / / / 32 / 24 / 72 84 72
Beastlord Hunting Guide 40 5 / / / / / On Use: Increases AP Regeneration for 15s on all party members. 30m cooldown / / /
Beastlord Sholdaspikes 40 / 406 / 14 24 14 / / 30 25
Beastlord Skully 40 / 406 20 / 20 12 / / 25 30
Beastlord Tuff Chest 40 / 450 14 30 / 15 / 30 / 30
Total 40 / 1262 34 75 68 78 / 195 257 304
3 Piece + 55 Weapon Skill
4 Piece + 60 Strength
5 Piece + 5% Reduced chance to be Parried
6 Piece Depleting - On Hit: 10% chance to remove 50 AP from target.

Rare Fortune Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Rare Fortune Stompas 37 380 13 / 14 24 / + 2% Dodge
Rare Fortune Punchas 37 380 / 19 12 21 6 /
Rare Fortune Sholdaspikes 39 430 20 17 / 22 / + 1% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Rare Fortune Skully 38 430 17 / 18 20 / + 2% Disrupt
Rare Fortune Tuff Chest 39 480 / 27 / 22 12 + 3 AP Per Second
Total 39 2100 50 63 44 109 18 /
2 Piece + 54 Initiative
3 Piece + 59 Strength
4 Piece Domination - On Hit: 25% chance to steal 88 Toughness from your target for 10 Seconds.
5 Piece + 5% Reduced chance to be Parried

PvE Accessories

The Sundered Rings Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Cytheril 35 / 17 17 / 61 74 51
Foserain 35 14 / / 17 51 65 74
Total 35 14 17 17 17 112 139 125
2 Piece + 25 Wounds

The Divided Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
The Seeping Larva 35 / 15 15 / 67 77 79
Writhing Shackles 35 15 / / 15 77 79 67
Fated Veil 35 / 15 15 / 79 67 77
Bloodied Fracture 35 15 / / 15 76 72 72
Total 35 30 30 30 30 299 295 302
2 Piece + 3% Dodge
3 Piece + 3% Disrupt
4 Piece Clarity - Any Ability : 10% chance to reduce the cost of the next ability used within 10 seconds to 0 Action Points

The Fortune’s Baubles Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Hapless Ha'penny 35 / 8 17 / + 2% Parry 46 57 46
Gorkamork 35 17 / / 8 + 2% Dodge 46 46 57
Wind of Change 35 / 17 8 / + 2% Disrupt 57 46 46
Fullbelly's Lucky Foot 35 8 / / 17 + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration 50 50 50
Total 35 25 25 25 25 / 199 199 199
2 Piece + 2 Morale per Second
3 Piece + 2 AP per Second
4 Piece + 52 HP every 4 seconds

The Winds Impervious Set

Rank/Renown Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Crow Caller Chain 35 / / 4 12 104 89 178
The Obdurate Seal 35 12 / 4 / 89 178 104
Wordbreaker Band 35 / 12 4 / 178 104 89
Total 35 12 12 12 12 371 371 371
2 Piece + 25 Initiative
3 Piece + 210 Armor Bonus

The Great Oathstones Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Oathstone of Karaz-a-Karak 35 / / 4 17 + 2% Dodge 47 41 61
Oathstone of Karak Eight Peaks 35 4 17 / / + 2% Dodge 41 61 47
Total 35 4 17 4 17 / 88 102 108
2 Piece + 15% Auto Attack Haste

The Broken Covenant Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
The Ascendant Verses 35 / / 17 4 + 2% Disrupt 61 48 40
The Deep Oaths 35 17 4 / / + 2% Disrupt 61 40 48
Total 35 17 4 17 4 / 122 88 88
2 Piece + 3 AP per Second

Da Waaagh! Teef Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Black Toof 35 17 17 / / 44 64 78
One Tusk 35 / / 17 17 93 33 60
Broke Toof 35 / 17 17 / 33 89 64
Moon Fang 35 17 / / 17 65 57 65
Total 35 34 34 34 34 235 243 267
2 Piece + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit
3 Piece + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration
4 Piece + 20 Additional AP Pool

The Blood-soaked Sigils Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Toughness Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Strife 35 10 / 12 / + 2% Parry 23 98 28
Torment 35 / 12 / 10 + 2% Parry 98 28 23
Total 35 10 12 12 10 / 121 121 51
2 Piece + 2% Reduced Chance to be Parried


Redeye Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Redeye Rappin 40 / / 21 / 21 17 / 91 76 73
Redeye Stompas 40 380 16 / / 15 17 + 1% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / /
Redeye Punchas 40 380 / 13 12 21 12 / / / /
Redeye Sholdaspikes 40 430 / / 20 23 13 + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / /
Redeye Skully 40 430 14 13 / 22 27 / / / /
Redeye Tuff Chest 40 480 17 / / 27 17 + 3 AP Per Second / / /
Total 40 2100 47 47 32 129 103 / 91 76 73
2 Piece + 3% Reduction in being Critically Hit
3 Piece + 59 Strength
4 Piece + 473 Armor Bonus
5 Piece + 25% Auto Attack Speed
6 Piece + 4% Melee Critical Chance

Sentinel Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Sentinel Stompas 40 406 / 15 / 27 8 + 2% Parry / / /
Sentinel Punchas 40 406 / / 10 15 23 + 21 Melee Power / / /
Sentinel Bellybuckle 40 / 24 9 / 18 12 / 80 90 95
Sentinel Sholdaspikes 40 462 12 / / 17 30 + 2% Reduced chance to be Parried / / /
Sentinel Skully 40 462 / 10 16 27 / + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / /
Sentinel Tuff Chest 40 518 17 19 / 35 / + 60 HP Every 4 Seconds / / /
Sentinel Boyz' Ring 40 / / / / 27 17 + 3 AP Per Second 70 70 71
Total 40 2254 53 53 26 166 90 / 150 160 166
2 Piece + 58 Strength
3 Piece + 64 Wounds
4 Piece + 70 Initiative
5 Piece Arise - On Attacking Target or Being Hit: 10% chance to resist Stuns and Knockdowns by 33% for 15 Seconds
6 Piece + 5% Melee Critial Chance
7 Piece Heavy Shrugger - Cooldown of Shrug It Off reduced by 20 seconds

Bloodlord Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Bloodlord Stompas 40 442 / 10 18 27 / + 2% Dodge / / / /
Bloodlord Punchas 40 442 / 10 15 26 16 / / / / /
Bloodlord Bellybuckle 40 / / 12 16 22 / + 2% Parry + 1% Dodge 91 91 91
Bloodlord Sholdaspikes 40 514 / 21 10 27 / + 2% Melee Critial Chance / / / /
Bloodlord Skully 40 514 19 18 / 29 / + 2% Armor Penetration / / / /
Bloodlord Tuff Chest 40 584 / 16 12 30 20 + 2 AP Per Second / / / /
Bloodlord Rappin 40 / / 12 16 24 / + 24 Melee Power / 91 91 91
Total 40 2496 19 99 87 185 36 / 182 182 182
2 Piece + 66 Wounds
3 Piece + 73 Initiative
4 Piece Boost II - On Hit: 5% chance to increase your critical hit rate by 6% for 9 seconds.
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critial Chance
6 Piece Preservation - On Being Hit : 10% chance to increase Wounds by 100 for 20 seconds
7 Piece Overwhelming - On Hit: 25% chance to reduce target's Weapon Skill by 80 while increasing your Strength by 80 for 10 seconds

Vale Walker Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Vale Walker Stompas 40 432 13 / 20 15 / 3% Dodge / / / /
Vale Walker Punchas 40 432 / 20 11 15 / +2% Melee Crit Chance / / / /
Vale Walker Belly Buckle 40 / / 32 / / 23 +2% Reduced Armor Penetration N/A 90 90 90
Vale Walker Sholdaspikes 40 494 / 20 / 24 / + 3% Parry / 30 35 /
Vale Walker Skully 40 494 24 / / 20 / +3% Disrupt / 40 35 /
Valewalker Tuff Chest 40 556 / 35 / 19 18 / / / 35 35
Vale Walker Fangbone 40 / / / / 24 21 + 48 HP every 4 seconds +1% Reduction in being Critically Hit 66 80 80
Total 40 2408 37 107 31 117 62 / 226 275 205
2 Piece + 62 Wounds
3 Piece + 69 Weaponskill
4 Piece 76 Strength
5 Piece + 5% Reduced Chance To Be Parried
6 Piece On Hit: 25% chance to reduce target's Weapon Skill by 118 while increasing your Strength by 118 for 10 seconds.
7 Piece On Being Attacked: 10% Chance to Increase Parry, Block, Disrupt, Dodge by 7% for 10 seconds.