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This page contains information about quests, their types, Kill Collectors and additionally traveling around the World of Warhammer.


Here is the information regarding quests in RoR.

Quest categories

In Warhammer Online quests come with two categories:

  • Single Quests,
  • Repeatable Quests.

Single Quests have green icon over quest giver and repeatable have blue one. As names say, Single Quests can be done once per character and Repeatable Quests infinite times. Timers of the Repeatable Quests reset dependly on quest. Sometimes it can be done one after another time, sometimes, for example, daily.

Quest types

There are several quest types in the game. The type of the quest is also shown as an icon beside description:

  • Normal quest,
  • Travel quest,
  • Epic quest,
  • Kill quest,
  • Party quest
  • RvR quest.

Quest items

Some quests are connected to the quest items. Sometimes you need to bring something to someone, use some item in location or use an item in your backpack to progress the quest. Read quests carefully, not to get stuck. Quest items are in You backpack in Quest Items tab.

Turning in Quests

After finishing the quest, "ding" sound appears and quest can be turned back. The person who can turn your quest in will have orange circle above their head. Remember that not always quest finishes with person who started it.

Kill Collectors

Kill Collectors are specific type of NPC. They can be found in every Chapter of the WAR Story. They reward player with additional experience for killing specific type of mobs. It can be Goblin, elf, spider, bat, depending of the collector. While talking to the kill collector you can find a hint, what creatures he's looking for.

You need to kill 50 mobs of searched type in order to get a reward but if You kill at least one, Kill collector will have orange quest turn in indicator and reward You with experience.


There are several ways of traveling in Warhammer Online. The basic one is of course by foot. But world is too big for that.


Every character, every Army has access to several types od mounts. They come in all shapes and sizes. Mounts give boost to speed but remember. When You take damage, there is a chance you will be dismounted. To see Mount options check Mounts page.


In Warhammer Online there are several several scrolls that can teleport you to Guild Hall or several Dungeons like Mount Gunbad. They are one time use but you can carry several od them.

Flight Masters

Flight Masters are NPC that allow You to travel around the whole world from Zone to Zone. They can be found in every Chapter of the WAR Story, every Warcamp and in Capital Cities.

You can depart from any od this locations but there are much less destinations available than sources. For example, you cannot fly from Chapter 2 to Chapter 3 of the Empire story within Nordland.

Order destinations

Tier 1 Empire


High Elves

Tier 2 Empire


High Elves