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This page contains information about how to progress in Warhammer Online, what rewards await for playing the game.

Game progression bars

In Warhammer Online there are three main bars You can find on the UI:

Experience bar

Experience bar presents, how much experience You gained during Your travels. You gain experience by basicly doing anything in the game: map unlocks, Tome unlocks, killing mobs, killing players, doing quests, participating in Open RvR.

Character starts at Career Rank 1. Fulfilling the bar will gain a Career Rank. There are 40 of these in the game. After You Reach Career Rank 40, you will not progress in experience bar.

With every Career Rank come some rewards:

  • Slightly increase in your basic stats.
  • Ability to wear better gear.
  • Gain of new abilities, tactics and morales for free.
  • From Rank 11 to 19 gain a Mastery Point with every odd Rank.
  • From Rank 20 to 40 gain a Mastery Point with every Rank.

Renown bar

Renown bar presents, how much renown You gained during your travels. You gain renown by participating in Player vs Player engagements in scenarios and Open RvR such as: killing players, Healing Your team, capturing objectives and zones, carrying supplies.

Character starts at Renown Rank 0. Fulfilling the bar will gain a Renown Rank. There are 255 of these in the game but most important are ranks till RR (Renown Rank) 100. Renown Rank can be higher then Your Career Rank.

While gaining Renown Rank You get:

  • Ability to wear better gear.
  • One Renown Point every Rank
  • New title on Ranks 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
  • One Mastery Point on Ranks 40, 50, 60, 70.
  • Serverwide information when reaching Ranks 80, 90, 100.
  • Access to special cosmetic vendor above Rank 80.

Influence bar

Influence is a blue bar and differs from Experience and Renown because its not connected directly to the character but to the area and activity you do.

There are several types of activities you can do to fill the Influence bar:

  • Every WAR Story chapter is filled by doing Public Quests related to the Chapter.
  • Every Tier RvR (example High Elf Tier 1 or Chaos Tier 4 l) is filled by participating in Open RvR - killing enemy players, capturing Keeos, locking zones.
  • Every dungeon Influence is filled by killing Dungeon's bosses.
  • Every Event Influence is filled by doing tasks descibed in the Event page.
  • Every Weekly Event like RvR, Ranked is filled by doing tasks described on Weekly page.

Influence of every type has one thing in common. There are three thresholds - Basic, Advanced and Elite. When You accumulate enough Influence Points and reach cerain threshold, You will be able to choose one of the rewards. Remember! You may choose only one thing and one only do choose carefully.

In order to get rewards from WAR Story chapters or from Open RvR you need to visit Rally Master in Chapter or in Warcamp.

In order to get rewards from Events, You need to visit one of the heralds.