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This page contains information about how to progress in Warhammer Online, what rewards await for playing the game.

Game progression bars

In Warhammer Online there are three main bars You can find on the UI:

Experience bar


Experience bar presents, how much experience You gained during Your travels. You gain experience by basicly doing anything in the game: map unlocks, Tome unlocks, killing mobs, killing players, doing quests, participating in Open RvR.

Character starts at Career Rank 1. Fulfilling the bar will gain a Career Rank. There are 40 of these in the game. After You Reach Career Rank 40, you will not progress in experience bar.

With every Career Rank come some rewards:

  • Slightly increase in your basic stats.
  • Ability to wear better gear.
  • Gain of new abilities, tactics and morales for free.
  • From Rank 11 to 19 gain a Mastery Point with every odd Rank.
  • From Rank 20 to 40 gain a Mastery Point with every Rank.

Renown bar


Renown bar presents, how much renown You gained during your travels. You gain renown by participating in Player vs Player engagements in scenarios and Open RvR such as: killing players, Healing Your team, capturing objectives and zones, carrying supplies.

Character starts at Renown Rank 0. Fulfilling the bar will gain a Renown Rank. There are 255 of these in the game but most important are ranks till RR (Renown Rank) 100. Renown Rank can be higher then Your Career Rank.

While gaining Renown Rank You get:

  • Ability to wear better gear.
  • One Renown Point every Rank
  • New title on Ranks 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
  • One Mastery Point on Ranks 40, 50, 60, 70.
  • Serverwide information when reaching Ranks 80, 90, 100.
  • Access to special cosmetic vendor above Rank 80.

Influence bar


Influence is a blue bar and differs from Experience and Renown because its not connected directly to the character but to the area and activity you do.

There are several types of activities you can do to fill the Influence bar:

  • Every WAR Story chapter is filled by doing Public Quests related to the Chapter.
  • Every Tier RvR (example High Elf T1 or Chaos T4) is filled by participating in Open RvR - killing enemy players, capturing Keeos, locking zones.
  • Every dungeon Influence is filled by killing Dungeon's bosses.
  • Every Event Influence is filled by doing tasks descibed in the Event page.
  • Every Weekly Event like RvR, Ranked is filled by doing tasks described on Weekly page.

Influence of every type has one thing in common. There are three thresholds - Basic, Advanced and Elite. When You accumulate enough Influence Points and reach cerain threshold, You will be able to choose one of the rewards. Remember! You may choose only one thing and one only do choose carefully.

In order to get rewards from WAR Story chapters or from Open RvR you need to visit Rally Master in Chapter or in Warcamp.

In order to get rewards from Events, You need to visit one of the heralds.


Every character can earn and spend Mastery Points and Renown Points to increase his effectivness on battlefield.

Career Mastery

Career Mastery is the way to specialize character in one of three Paths or in mix of all three.

Gaining Mastery Points

You can have up to 31 Mastery Points.

  • 25 from Career Ranks - You gain 5 between Ranks 11 and 19 and also 20 between Ranks 20 and 40.
  • 4 from Renown Ranks - You gain one on RR 40, 50, 60, 70.
  • 2 from The Sovereign / The Warlord armor sets - this Armor sets for every Career add +2 Points to on od the Career Path

Spending Mastery Points


In order to spend Mastery Points you need to visit Career Trainer. They are available in Tier 1 Warcamps, capital citys like Altdorf or The Inevitable City, Guild Halls and The Garden Of Qu'aph.


After selecting Buy Mastery abilities You will be presented one of the skill trees. Other two are on the tabs you may switch. There are 15 levels on every Path. Every Path Has the same set up:


  • On level 3 - Tactic,
  • On level 5 - Ability,
  • On level 7 - Tactic,
  • On level 9 - Ability,
  • On level 11 - Tactic,
  • On level 13 - Ability,
  • On level 15 - Rank 4 Morale.

You can spend Mastery Points in every tree, mixing them all.

In order to advance You need to click "+" to increase the level od the Path. Important! In order to gain Ability od Tactics od Morale on the Path You need to click it and spend Mastery Point on it. For example, to gain Tactic on level 3, You need 4 Mastery Points. You dont need to select all the stuff. You can take only Abilities, Tactics and Morale You want from one or different Paths.

After selecting all things You want, click Train. If You want to change Your set up just click Respecialize. It will reset your Mastery Points spent for free.

If You are looking to experiment check the RoR Career Builder

Saving Your Mastery Trees


Career Trainers and Renown Trainers can save up to 5 combinations of your builds. Just choose the options Mastery Build Switch and Load / Save the set-up. Besides the abilities and Tactics it will save the Morale selected in build.

Renown Mastery

Renown Mastery is the way to increase Your effectivness by increasing Your stars, critical chance od defences.

Gaining Mastery Points

You can have up to 80 Renown Points. You gain a Renown Point per Renown Rank

Spending Mastery Points

In order to spend Renown Points you need to visit Renown Trainer. They are available in Tier 1 Warcamps, capital citys like Altdorf or The Inevitable City and The Garden Of Qu'aph.

Progression-RenownTrainer.png Progression-RenownTrainerMenu.png

After selecting Buy Renown abilities You will be presented a list of perks. Above You will see Renown Points available and spent. Just select the perk and click Train button. All the perks have mamy levels. You may aqquire them multiple times for increased bonus. If You have something else in mind just click Respecialize button.


Note! Before You hit Career Rank 40, You will only be able to spend Renown Points up to Your current Career Rank. After hitting CR40, You will be able to spend them all.

If You are looking to experiment check the RoR Renown Builder

Saving Your Mastery Trees


Career Trainers and Renown Trainers can save up to 5 combinations of your builds. Just choose the options Mastery Build Switch and Load / Save the set-up. Besides the abilities and Tactics it will save the Morale selected in build.

Tips for Gaining Renown

  • Take advantage of AAO ("Against All Odds") and aim for player kills, objective capping, or even supply running in zones where your faction is highly outnumbered. AAO will multiply your renown gains for all of these activities, up to a maximum of 400%.
  • Pick up a Potion of Acclaim to boost your Renown gain by 25% for 72 hours. (This potion continues running even if you are logged out.) This 25% boost stacks with AAO.