Lairs in High & Dark Elven Lands

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This category lists the Tome of Knowledge Achievements unlocks for Lairs in High & Dark Elven Lands.

Unlocks for Order & Destruction

  • Lair of Stinkfang the Vomitous

Enter inside the Lair of Stinkfang the Vomitous in Ellyrion at 54.3k 42.6k.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Kelbrax

Enter inside the Lair of Kelbrax in Chrace at 18.9k 62.5k.

Tip: Start climbing at 20.6k 58k then jump a bit.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Gorthlak

Enter inside the Lair of Gorthlak in The Blighted Isle at 35.2k 18.2k.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Lady Alisha

Enter inside the Lair of Lady Alisha in The Blighted Isle RvR lake at 35.2k 51.1k.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Elrin Helfried

Enter inside the Lair of Elrin Helfried in Avelorn at 61.4k 48.2k.

Tip: Start climbing at 57.1k 49.4k then jump a bit.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Gholnaros the Deathless

Make spawn Gholnaros the Deathless in Dragonwake RvR lake at 23.2k 43k, in front of the Battlefield Objective Pelgorath's Ember.

Note: For now, Gholnaros the Deathless is at 53.5k 30.6k. You can teleport there thanks to a portal at 23.4k 44.2k. You will obtain the unlock when you teleport.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Fesitt

Enter inside the Lair of Festitt in Caledor RvR lake at 34k 38k.

Note: There is a typo in Tome of Knowledge, his real name is Festitt and not Fesitt.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Lair of Xaphan of the Pyre

Enter inside the Lair of Xaphan of the Pyre in Caledor RvR lake at 53.5k 27.7k.

Rewards: XP: 150