Lairs in Empire & Chaos Lands

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This category lists the Tome of Knowledge Achievements unlocks for Lairs in Empire & Chaos Lands.

Unlocks for Order & Destruction

  • Migliod's Menagerie

Not implemented yet

Enter inside the Migliod's Menagerie in The Maw at 39.7k 54.7k.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Lair of the Defiler

Enter inside the Lair of the Defiler in Ostland at 9.6k 63.1k.

To enter, you had to unlock all the 14 Achievements unlocks 'Grave of ...' that are spread all over the world. There is one grave per father, and one grave for their sons.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Frostshard Prison

Not implemented yet

Enter inside the Frostshard Prison in West Praag at 28.1k 38.2k. You have to swim to reach it.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Lair of Metoh

Enter inside the Lair of Metoh in Troll Country at 9.3k 3k.

Tip: Start the jumping puzzle at 9.9k 6.4k.

Tip (2): On the way to the lair, you will find a troll 'Coldsnap' for the Bestiary unlock It's a Snap.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Lair of Morra

Enter inside the Lair of Morra in Nordland at 31.3k 60.7k. You have to swim to reach it.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Lair of Silveroak

Enter inside the Lair of Silveroak in Norsca at 18.2k 27k.

Tip: Swim to 21k 24.5k, then head to 17.1k 24.3k. There you will find a big branch, walk inside. Walk on the other big branch then start the jumping puzzle on broken tree trunks.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Lair of Gnawbone

Enter inside the Lair of Gnawbone in Chaos Wastes RvR lake at 37.5k 5.2k, east of Battlefield Objective 'Chokethorn Bramble'.

Tip: Start the jumping puzzle on broken walls north of the lair, or you can try to jump on it by south at 37.3k 6.5k.

Rewards: XP: 104

  • Traitor's Rest

Kill the Traitor's Rest Boss Lair 'Kamilla the Decayed' in Norsca at 28k 62.3k.

Rewards: XP: 104