
From RoR Wiki
Revision as of 20:24, 26 August 2017 by Dansari (talk | contribs) (Updated command list from Patch Aug 26 2017)
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.unlock or .u command used to fix stuck-in-combat problems preventing you from joining a scenario. One attempt every 30 seconds is allowed.

.gmlist or .gm command shows available Game Masters online.

.rules command sends a condensed list of in-game rules.

.assist command switches to friendly target's target.

.tellblock command allows you to block whispers from non-staff players who are outside of your guild.

.getstats command shows your own linear stat bonuses. (You must target your-self first!)

.standard command assigns Standard Bearer Title to the Player.

.ror command shows Help Files for RoR-specific features.

.changename command requests a name change, one per account per month. Keep in mind that you must be L40R40 to request a new name. ( .changename Newname)

.mindread command causes the target creature to broadcast its AI.

/reload or /rel command reloads/refreshes your UI. Quite often it gets rid of stuttering too.

.tokfix command triggers the missing Tome of Knowledge unlocks and titles of your character. For full set unlocks and titles you need to equip one piece of the set (Note: For Mayhem, it will work with any equipped Mayhem piece except the Helm) (Currently disabled)

.rvrstatus command lists all active and unlocked zones and where the supplies currently are.

.pug command lists the current "pick-up group" scenario (a scenario only solo and duo queued players can join).

Deprecated Commands

.ab command reveals class's modifications specific to Return of Reckoning.

.ab exmode command enables experimental mode on the current target if the current class supports it.

.ab changelist command displays a list of changes made to the career on Return of Reckoning.