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Slash commands

These slash commands are related to gameplay and can be used easily in chat or in macros.

Command Description
' {text} Says something to nearby players.
/ [level (numeric) / level-minimum (numeric) level-maximum (numeric)][career (text)][zone name (text)][guild name (text)][character name (text)] Queries information about online players. If no parameter is given, queries players in the same zone as you. Use quotes for parameters with multiple words (eg. "Black Orc")
/1 {text} Says something to channel number 1.
/2 {text} Says something to channel number 2.
/3 {text} Says something to channel number 3.
/4 {text} Says something to channel number 4.
/5 {text} Says something to channel number 5.
/6 {text} Says something to channel number 6.
/7 {text} Says something to channel number 7.
/8 {text} Says something to channel number 8.
/9 {text} Says something to channel number 9.
/AddRealmCaptain {player name} Assigns a guild member as one of your guild's Realm Captains
/RemoveRealmCaptain {player name} Unassigns a guild member as one of your guild's Realm Captains
/T1 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 1.
/T2 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 2.
/T3 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 3.
/T4 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 4.
/a {text} Says something to your alliance.
/ad {text} Says something in the Advice channel.
/adjoin Joins the official Advice chat channel.
/adleave Leaves the official Advice chat channel.
/advancedwar Toggles the Advanced War dialog
/advice {text} Says something in the Advice channel.
/advicejoin Joins the official Advice chat channel.
/adviceleave Leaves the official Advice chat channel.
/adwar Toggles the Advanced War dialog
/afk [message] Toggles your afk status.
/aid [entity name] Sets your friendly target to an entity's hostile target. If no entity name is provided, your hostile target is used.
/alliance {text} Says something to your alliance.
/allianceform {ally guild leader name} {alliance name} Forms an alliance between your guild and another.
/allianceinvite [ally guild leader name] Invites a guild to join your alliance.
/allianceleave Withdraws your guild from its alliance.
/alliancelist Lists the guilds participating in your alliance.
/allianceofficer {text} Says something to the officers of your alliance.
/allianceofficersay {text}
/alliancesay {text} Says something to your alliance.
/anonymous Toggles your 'anonymous' status. While anonymous, many of your character details are censored from the views of other players.
/ao {text} Says something to the officers of your alliance.
/aos {text}
/appeal {text} Appeals for help from the Customer Service staff.
/appealcancel Cancels your current appeal.
/appealview Views the status of your current appeal.
/as {text} Says something to your alliance.
/assist [entity name] Sets your hostile target to that of another entity. If no entity name is provided, your friendly target is used.
/bug {Quest/Character/Crash/Art/Item/Monster/Pathing/Other} {bug description} Reports a bug with the game software.
/camp Logs out of the game.
/channel {channel number} {text} Says something to the specified channel.
/channeljoin {channel name} Joins the specified chat channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created.
/channelleave {channel name} Leaves the specified chat channel.
/channellist Lists the channels in which you currently reside.
/channelsay {channel number} {text} Says something to the specified channel.
/channelwho {channel number} Lists the players in the specified channel.
/claim Lists item rewards the character may claim.
/cloak Toggles whether your character's cloak is visible.
/count Displays the number of online players per realm.
/debugwindow Opens/closes the UI debug window.
/disband Removes you from your party.
/duel Challenges a player to a duel.
/duelaccept Accepts a duel challenge.
/duelcancel Revokes your duel challenge.
/duelchallenge Challenges a player to a duel.
/dueldecline Declines a duel challenge.
/duelsurrender Surrenders to your duel opponent.
/emote {text} Emotes something to nearby players.
/emotelist Lists all Emotes available for use.
/exit Instantly exits the game without safely logging out.
/follow Auto-follows your friendly target.
/friend {player name} Toggles whether the specified player is on your Friends List.
/friendadd {player name} Adds the specified player to your Friends List.
/friendlist Displays your Friends List.
/friendremove {player name} Removes the specified player from your Friends List.
/friendtoggle {player name} Toggles whether the specified player is on your Friends List.
/g {text} Says something to your guild.
/gu {text}
/guild {text}
/guildaddstandardbearer [guild member name] Appoints a guild standard bearer.
/guildalliancedemote [guild member name] Demotes the specified guild member by one alliance rank.
/guildalliancepromote [guild member name] Promotes the specified guild member by one alliance rank.
/guildarchetypes {type id} Toggles the specified guild archetypes for recruiting purposes.
/guildatmosphere {type id} Sets the guild's preferred atmosphere for recruiting purposes.
/guildboot [guild member name] Removes the specified member from the guild.
/guilddemote [guild member name] Demotes the specified guild member by one rank.
/guilddetails [new text] Edits the guild details text.
/guildinfo Displays information about your guild.
/guildinterests {type id} Toggles the specified guild interests for recruiting purposes.
/guildinvite [player name] Invites a player to join your guild.
/guildkick [guild member name] Removes the specified member from the guild.
/guildleader [guild member name] Passes leadership of your guild to another member.
/guildleave Removes you from your guild.
/guildlist Displays the members of your guild.
/guildmotd [new message] Edits the guild message-of-the-day.
/guildnote {guild member name}[new text] Edits the guild note text for the specified player.
/guildofficer {text} Says something to the officers of your guild.
/guildofficernote {guild member name}[new text] Edits the guild officer note text for the specified player.
/guildofficersay {text} Says something to the officers of your guild.
/guildplaystyle {playstyle id} Edits the guild playstyle field.
/guildplaytime {type id} Sets the guild's preferred play time for recruiting purposes.
/guildpromote [guild member name] Promotes the specified guild member by one rank.
/guildquit Removes you from your guild.
/guildrankdisable {rank id} Disables the specified guild rank.
/guildrankenable {rank id} Enables the specified guild rank.
/guildrankpermission {rank id} {permission id} Toggles the specified permission for the specified guild rank.
/guildrankpermissionreset Resets all guild permissions to the defaults.
/guildranksetname {rank id} {new rank name} Edits the name of the specified guild rank.
/guildrecruiter {player name} Sets the specified guild member as a guild recruiter.
/guildrecruitingstatus {type id} Sets the guild's recruiting status.
/guildrecruitlevelrange {minimum level} {maximum level} Sets the guild's preferred level ranges for recruiting purposes.
/guildreleasekeep {keep number} Releases a keep from your guild's control.
/guildremove [guild member name] Removes the specified member from the guild.
/guildremovestandardbearer [guild member name] Appoints a guild standard bearer.
/guildsay {text} Says something to your guild.
/guildsummary {new text} Edits the guild summary text.
/guildtax Set the Guild's Tax Rate.
/guildtimezone {type id} Sets the guild's preferred time zone for recruiting purposes.
/guildtithe Set your Tithe rate to your Guild.
/helm Toggles whether your character's helmet is visible.
/help [command] Gets help about the specified command. If no command is provided, all commands will be listed. If the provided text does not exactly match a command, all substring matches will be displayed.
/hide Changes your 'hidden' state. While hidden, your online status is hidden from other players.
/ignore {player name} Toggles whether the specified player is on your Ignore List.
/ignoreadd {player name} Adds the specified player to your Ignore List.
/ignorelist Displays your Ignore List.
/ignoreremove {player name} Removes the specified player from your Ignore List.
/ignoretoggle {player name} Toggles whether the specified player is on your Ignore List.
/inspectable Toggles whether you are inspectable by other players.
/inspectablebraggingrights Toggles whether your Bragging Rights are displayed when you are inspected.
/inspectabletradeskills Toggles whether your trade skills are displayed when you are inspected.
/invite [player name] Invites a player to your party.
/join {player name} Joins an open party, public warband, or forms an open party with a player with such an interest.
/kick [player name] Removes a player from your party.
/language [language name or id] Changes your language setting. If no parameters are provided, displays the current language setting.
/leave Removes you from your party.
/lfg Toggles the parties and warbands window.
/lfguild Toggles your looking-for-guild state.
/lfm Toggles the parties and warbands window.
/lfpnote [text] Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed.
/loc Displays information about your current location.
/lockouts Displays information about your current instance lockout timers.
/logout Logs out of the game.
/mainassist [party member name] Passes main assist status to another member.
/makeleader [party member name] Passes party leadership to another member.
/makemainassist [party member name] Passes main assist status to another member.
/msg {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/o {text} Says something to the officers of your guild.
/oinvite [player name] Invites a player to join your open party.
/openjoin {player name} Joins a player in forming an open party if the open party interest flag is on.
/openlist Lists all open parties and warbands.
/openpartyinterest Flags you as being interested in starting an open party.
/openpartynote [text] Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed.
/p {text} Says something to your party.
/party {text}
/partyallianceonly Toggles whether only members of your alliance may join your open party.
/partyboot [player name] Removes a player from your party.
/partyclose Changes your open party into a private (standard) party.
/partyguildonly Toggles whether only members of your guild may join your open party.
/partyinvite [player name] Invites a player to your party.
/partyinviteopen [player name] Invites a player to join your open party.
/partyjoin {player name} Joins a player's open party.
/partykick [player name] Removes a player from your party.
/partyleader [party member name] Passes party leadership to another member.
/partyleave Removes you from your party.
/partylist Lists all open parties.
/partynote [text] Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed.
/partyopen Changes your party into an open party.
/partypassword [password] Sets your open party password.
/partyprivate Changes your open party into a private (standard) party.
/partyquit Removes you from your party.
/partyrandom [minimum value][maximum value] Rolls the dice privately within your own party.
/partyremove [player name] Removes a player from your party.
/partyresetinstance Resets all the instances that your party owns.
/partyroll [minimum value][maximum value] Rolls the dice privately within your own party.
/partysay {text} Says something to your party.
/petname Sets the name of your pet.
/played Displays information about your time played.
/pvp Toggles your RvR flag state.
/q Instantly exits the game without safely logging out.
/r {text} Sends a private message to the player who most recently private messaged you.
/ra {text} Says something to your warband.
/random [minimum value][maximum value] Generates a pseudorandom number between 1 and the specified number.
/realmwarchatjoin {tier} Joins the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4).
/realmwarchatleave {tier} Leaves the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4).
/refund {Actions/Morale/Tactics/Spec/Renown} Refunds the specified pool of specialization points.
/reloadui Reloads the UI.
/reply {text} Sends a private message to the player who most recently private messaged you.
/reportgoldseller [text] Opens the Appeal Window and auto-populates the fields with the last person that sent you a Tell.
/respec Refunds all your specialization points, so you may respecialize.
/rg [text] Opens the Appeal Window and auto-populates the fields with the last person that sent you a Tell.
/rgs [text]
/roll [minimum value][maximum value] Generates a pseudorandom number between 1 and the specified number.
/rvr Toggles your RvR flag state.
/rw {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for your character's tier. For example, if you are rank 15 this will send a message to the Tier 2 Realm War chat channel.
/rwcjoin {tier} Joins the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4).
/rwcleave {tier} Leaves the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4).
/rwcsay {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for your character's tier. For example, if you are rank 15 this will send a message to the Tier 2 Realm War chat channel.
/s {text} Says something to nearby players.
/say {text}
/sc {text} Says something to your scenario team.
/scenario {text}
/scenariosay {text}
/scenariotell [party number] {text} Says something to the specified scenario party.
/script {command} Executes the provided text as Lua script.
/send {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/shout {text} Shouts something to the area.
/socialatmosphere {type} Toggles the specified social network atmosphere.
/socialinterests {type} Toggles the specified social network interest.
/socialplaystyle {type} Sets your play style preferences.
/socialplaytime {type} Sets your play time preferences.
/socialtimezone {type} Sets your time zone preferences.
/sp [party number] {text} Says something to the specified scenario party.
/sp1 {text} Says something to scenario party 1.
/sp10 {text} Says something to scenario party 10.
/sp2 {text} Says something to scenario party 2.
/sp3 {text} Says something to scenario party 3.
/sp4 {text} Says something to scenario party 4.
/sp5 {text} Says something to scenario party 5.
/sp6 {text} Says something to scenario party 6.
/sp7 {text} Says something to scenario party 7.
/sp8 {text} Says something to scenario party 8.
/sp9 {text} Says something to scenario party 9.
/stuck Attempts to get your character unstuck.
/t {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/target {entity name} Targets the specified entity.
/tell {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/tier1 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 1.
/tier2 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 2.
/tier3 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 3.
/tier4 {text} Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 4.
/time Displays information about the current time.
/togglealwaysformprivate Toggles if a player forms private parties always when using invitation commands.
/togglecloakheraldry Toggles display preferences for the guild heraldry on one's cloak.
/trade [player name] Trades with a specified player or with your current friendly target.
/transferguild Your guild rank and guild renown will be saved to this character, and the next guild you create on a different server with this character will be created with the saved guild rank and renown. All other Guild data is lost.
/w {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/war {text} Says something to your warband.
/warband {text}
/warbandallianceonly Toggles whether only members of your alliance may join your open warband.
/warbandconvert [1 (makes the warband public)] Converts your party to a warband.
/warbanddemote [member name] Demotes a Warband Assistant to a normal member.
/warbandguildonly Toggles whether only members of your guild may join your open warband.
/warbandinfo Displays information about your warband.
/warbandinviteaccept Accepts a pending warband invitation.
/warbandinvitedecline Declines a pending warband invitation.
/warbandjoin {any warband member name}[warband password] Joins a public warband.
/warbandleader [player name] Passes the leadership of your warband to another member.
/warbandlist Lists all open warbands.
/warbandmove {player name} {destination party id} Moves the specified member to the specified party within the warband.
/warbandnote [text] Sets a brief note about what your warband is doing.
/warbandpassword [new password] Changes your warband's password.
/warbandpromote [member name] Promotes a warband member to Warband Assistant.
/warbandresetinstance [GroupNumber] Resets the instances that your warband owns.
/warbandsay {text} Says something to your warband.
/warbandswap {player 1 name} {player 2 name} Swaps the party locations of two warband members.
/wb {text} Says something to your warband.
/whisper {player name} {text} Sends a private message to the specified player.
/who [level (numeric) / level-minimum (numeric) level-maximum (numeric)][career (text)][zone name (text)][guild name (text)][character name (text)] Queries information about online players. If no parameter is given, queries players in the same zone as you. Use quotes for parameters with multiple words (eg. "Black Orc")

Dot commands

There is another set of commands starting with a dot. They are used for maintenance, stats, and development. As a starting point, use .help in chat. A list of these commands will be shown here later.