From RoR Wiki
Slash commands
These slash commands are related to gameplay and can be used easily in chat or in macros.
Command | Description |
' {text}
Says something to nearby players. |
/ [level (numeric) / level-minimum (numeric) level-maximum (numeric)][career (text)][zone name (text)][guild name (text)][character name (text)]
Queries information about online players. If no parameter is given, queries players in the same zone as you. Use quotes for parameters with multiple words (eg. "Black Orc") |
/1 {text}
Says something to channel number 1. |
/2 {text}
Says something to channel number 2. |
/3 {text}
Says something to channel number 3. |
/4 {text}
Says something to channel number 4. |
/5 {text}
Says something to channel number 5. |
/6 {text}
Says something to channel number 6. |
/7 {text}
Says something to channel number 7. |
/8 {text}
Says something to channel number 8. |
/9 {text}
Says something to channel number 9. |
/AddRealmCaptain {player name}
Assigns a guild member as one of your guild's Realm Captains |
/RemoveRealmCaptain {player name}
Unassigns a guild member as one of your guild's Realm Captains |
/T1 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 1. |
/T2 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 2. |
/T3 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 3. |
/T4 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 4. |
/a {text}
Says something to your alliance. |
/ad {text}
Says something in the Advice channel. |
Joins the official Advice chat channel. |
Leaves the official Advice chat channel. |
Toggles the Advanced War dialog |
/advice {text}
Says something in the Advice channel. |
Joins the official Advice chat channel. |
Leaves the official Advice chat channel. |
Toggles the Advanced War dialog |
/afk [message]
Toggles your afk status. |
/aid [entity name]
Sets your friendly target to an entity's hostile target. If no entity name is provided, your hostile target is used. |
/alliance {text}
Says something to your alliance. |
/allianceform {ally guild leader name} {alliance name}
Forms an alliance between your guild and another. |
/allianceinvite [ally guild leader name]
Invites a guild to join your alliance. |
Withdraws your guild from its alliance. |
Lists the guilds participating in your alliance. |
/allianceofficer {text}
Says something to the officers of your alliance. |
/allianceofficersay {text}
| |
/alliancesay {text}
Says something to your alliance. |
Toggles your 'anonymous' status. While anonymous, many of your character details are censored from the views of other players. |
/ao {text}
Says something to the officers of your alliance. |
/aos {text}
| |
/appeal {text}
Appeals for help from the Customer Service staff. |
Cancels your current appeal. |
Views the status of your current appeal. |
/as {text}
Says something to your alliance. |
/assist [entity name]
Sets your hostile target to that of another entity. If no entity name is provided, your friendly target is used. |
/bug {Quest/Character/Crash/Art/Item/Monster/Pathing/Other} {bug description}
Reports a bug with the game software. |
Logs out of the game. |
/channel {channel number} {text}
Says something to the specified channel. |
/channeljoin {channel name}
Joins the specified chat channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created. |
/channelleave {channel name}
Leaves the specified chat channel. |
Lists the channels in which you currently reside. |
/channelsay {channel number} {text}
Says something to the specified channel. |
/channelwho {channel number}
Lists the players in the specified channel. |
Lists item rewards the character may claim. |
Toggles whether your character's cloak is visible. |
| |
Displays the number of online players per realm. |
Opens/closes the UI debug window. |
Removes you from your party. |
Challenges a player to a duel. |
Accepts a duel challenge. |
Revokes your duel challenge. |
Challenges a player to a duel. |
Declines a duel challenge. |
Surrenders to your duel opponent. |
/emote {text}
Emotes something to nearby players. |
Lists all Emotes available for use. |
Instantly exits the game without safely logging out. |
Auto-follows your friendly target. |
/friend {player name}
Toggles whether the specified player is on your Friends List. |
/friendadd {player name}
Adds the specified player to your Friends List. |
Displays your Friends List. |
/friendremove {player name}
Removes the specified player from your Friends List. |
/friendtoggle {player name}
Toggles whether the specified player is on your Friends List. |
/g {text}
Says something to your guild. |
/gu {text}
| |
/guild {text}
| |
/guildaddstandardbearer [guild member name]
Appoints a guild standard bearer. |
/guildalliancedemote [guild member name]
Demotes the specified guild member by one alliance rank. |
/guildalliancepromote [guild member name]
Promotes the specified guild member by one alliance rank. |
/guildarchetypes {type id}
Toggles the specified guild archetypes for recruiting purposes. |
/guildatmosphere {type id}
Sets the guild's preferred atmosphere for recruiting purposes. |
/guildboot [guild member name]
Removes the specified member from the guild. |
/guilddemote [guild member name]
Demotes the specified guild member by one rank. |
/guilddetails [new text]
Edits the guild details text. |
Displays information about your guild. |
/guildinterests {type id}
Toggles the specified guild interests for recruiting purposes. |
/guildinvite [player name]
Invites a player to join your guild. |
/guildkick [guild member name]
Removes the specified member from the guild. |
/guildleader [guild member name]
Passes leadership of your guild to another member. |
Removes you from your guild. |
Displays the members of your guild. |
/guildmotd [new message]
Edits the guild message-of-the-day. |
/guildnote {guild member name}[new text]
Edits the guild note text for the specified player. |
/guildofficer {text}
Says something to the officers of your guild. |
/guildofficernote {guild member name}[new text]
Edits the guild officer note text for the specified player. |
/guildofficersay {text}
Says something to the officers of your guild. |
/guildplaystyle {playstyle id}
Edits the guild playstyle field. |
/guildplaytime {type id}
Sets the guild's preferred play time for recruiting purposes. |
/guildpromote [guild member name]
Promotes the specified guild member by one rank. |
Removes you from your guild. |
/guildrankdisable {rank id}
Disables the specified guild rank. |
/guildrankenable {rank id}
Enables the specified guild rank. |
/guildrankpermission {rank id} {permission id}
Toggles the specified permission for the specified guild rank. |
Resets all guild permissions to the defaults. |
/guildranksetname {rank id} {new rank name}
Edits the name of the specified guild rank. |
/guildrecruiter {player name}
Sets the specified guild member as a guild recruiter. |
/guildrecruitingstatus {type id}
Sets the guild's recruiting status. |
/guildrecruitlevelrange {minimum level} {maximum level}
Sets the guild's preferred level ranges for recruiting purposes. |
/guildreleasekeep {keep number}
Releases a keep from your guild's control. |
/guildremove [guild member name]
Removes the specified member from the guild. |
/guildremovestandardbearer [guild member name]
Appoints a guild standard bearer. |
/guildsay {text}
Says something to your guild. |
/guildsummary {new text}
Edits the guild summary text. |
Set the Guild's Tax Rate. |
/guildtimezone {type id}
Sets the guild's preferred time zone for recruiting purposes. |
Set your Tithe rate to your Guild. |
Toggles whether your character's helmet is visible. |
| |
/help [command]
Gets help about the specified command. If no command is provided, all commands will be listed. If the provided text does not exactly match a command, all substring matches will be displayed. |
Changes your 'hidden' state. While hidden, your online status is hidden from other players. |
/ignore {player name}
Toggles whether the specified player is on your Ignore List. |
/ignoreadd {player name}
Adds the specified player to your Ignore List. |
Displays your Ignore List. |
/ignoreremove {player name}
Removes the specified player from your Ignore List. |
/ignoretoggle {player name}
Toggles whether the specified player is on your Ignore List. |
Toggles whether you are inspectable by other players. |
Toggles whether your Bragging Rights are displayed when you are inspected. |
Toggles whether your trade skills are displayed when you are inspected. |
/invite [player name]
Invites a player to your party. |
/join {player name}
Joins an open party, public warband, or forms an open party with a player with such an interest. |
/kick [player name]
Removes a player from your party. |
/language [language name or id]
Changes your language setting. If no parameters are provided, displays the current language setting. |
Removes you from your party. |
Toggles the parties and warbands window. |
Toggles your looking-for-guild state. |
Toggles the parties and warbands window. |
| |
/lfpnote [text]
Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed. |
Displays information about your current location. |
| |
Displays information about your current instance lockout timers. |
Logs out of the game. |
/mainassist [party member name]
Passes main assist status to another member. |
/makeleader [party member name]
Passes party leadership to another member. |
/makemainassist [party member name]
Passes main assist status to another member. |
/msg {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/o {text}
Says something to the officers of your guild. |
/oinvite [player name]
Invites a player to join your open party. |
/openjoin {player name}
Joins a player in forming an open party if the open party interest flag is on. |
Lists all open parties and warbands. |
Flags you as being interested in starting an open party. |
/openpartynote [text]
Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed. |
/p {text}
Says something to your party. |
/party {text}
| |
Toggles whether only members of your alliance may join your open party. |
/partyboot [player name]
Removes a player from your party. |
Changes your open party into a private (standard) party. |
Toggles whether only members of your guild may join your open party. |
/partyinvite [player name]
Invites a player to your party. |
/partyinviteopen [player name]
Invites a player to join your open party. |
/partyjoin {player name}
Joins a player's open party. |
/partykick [player name]
Removes a player from your party. |
/partyleader [party member name]
Passes party leadership to another member. |
Removes you from your party. |
Lists all open parties. |
/partynote [text]
Sets a brief note about what your party is doing or what you plan on doing once an open party is formed. |
Changes your party into an open party. |
/partypassword [password]
Sets your open party password. |
Changes your open party into a private (standard) party. |
Removes you from your party. |
/partyrandom [minimum value][maximum value]
Rolls the dice privately within your own party. |
/partyremove [player name]
Removes a player from your party. |
Resets all the instances that your party owns. |
/partyroll [minimum value][maximum value]
Rolls the dice privately within your own party. |
/partysay {text}
Says something to your party. |
Sets the name of your pet. |
Displays information about your time played. |
Toggles your RvR flag state. |
Instantly exits the game without safely logging out. |
| |
/r {text}
Sends a private message to the player who most recently private messaged you. |
/ra {text}
Says something to your warband. |
/random [minimum value][maximum value]
Generates a pseudorandom number between 1 and the specified number. |
/realmwarchatjoin {tier}
Joins the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4). |
/realmwarchatleave {tier}
Leaves the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4). |
/refund {Actions/Morale/Tactics/Spec/Renown}
Refunds the specified pool of specialization points. |
Reloads the UI. |
/reply {text}
Sends a private message to the player who most recently private messaged you. |
/reportgoldseller [text]
Opens the Appeal Window and auto-populates the fields with the last person that sent you a Tell. |
Refunds all your specialization points, so you may respecialize. |
/rg [text]
Opens the Appeal Window and auto-populates the fields with the last person that sent you a Tell. |
/rgs [text]
| |
/roll [minimum value][maximum value]
Generates a pseudorandom number between 1 and the specified number. |
Toggles your RvR flag state. |
/rw {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for your character's tier. For example, if you are rank 15 this will send a message to the Tier 2 Realm War chat channel. |
/rwcjoin {tier}
Joins the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4). |
/rwcleave {tier}
Leaves the Realm War chat channel for the specified tier (1-4). |
/rwcsay {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for your character's tier. For example, if you are rank 15 this will send a message to the Tier 2 Realm War chat channel. |
/s {text}
Says something to nearby players. |
/say {text}
| |
/sc {text}
Says something to your scenario team. |
/scenario {text}
| |
/scenariosay {text}
| |
/scenariotell [party number] {text}
Says something to the specified scenario party. |
/script {command}
Executes the provided text as Lua script. |
/send {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/shout {text}
Shouts something to the area. |
/socialatmosphere {type}
Toggles the specified social network atmosphere. |
/socialinterests {type}
Toggles the specified social network interest. |
/socialplaystyle {type}
Sets your play style preferences. |
/socialplaytime {type}
Sets your play time preferences. |
/socialtimezone {type}
Sets your time zone preferences. |
/sp [party number] {text}
Says something to the specified scenario party. |
/sp1 {text}
Says something to scenario party 1. |
/sp10 {text}
Says something to scenario party 10. |
/sp2 {text}
Says something to scenario party 2. |
/sp3 {text}
Says something to scenario party 3. |
/sp4 {text}
Says something to scenario party 4. |
/sp5 {text}
Says something to scenario party 5. |
/sp6 {text}
Says something to scenario party 6. |
/sp7 {text}
Says something to scenario party 7. |
/sp8 {text}
Says something to scenario party 8. |
/sp9 {text}
Says something to scenario party 9. |
Attempts to get your character unstuck. |
/t {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/target {entity name}
Targets the specified entity. |
/tell {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/tier1 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 1. |
/tier2 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 2. |
/tier3 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 3. |
/tier4 {text}
Says something in the Realm War channel for Tier 4. |
Displays information about the current time. |
Toggles if a player forms private parties always when using invitation commands. |
Toggles display preferences for the guild heraldry on one's cloak. |
/trade [player name]
Trades with a specified player or with your current friendly target. |
Your guild rank and guild renown will be saved to this character, and the next guild you create on a different server with this character will be created with the saved guild rank and renown. All other Guild data is lost. |
/w {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/war {text}
Says something to your warband. |
/warband {text}
| |
Toggles whether only members of your alliance may join your open warband. |
/warbandconvert [1 (makes the warband public)]
Converts your party to a warband. |
/warbanddemote [member name]
Demotes a Warband Assistant to a normal member. |
Toggles whether only members of your guild may join your open warband. |
Displays information about your warband. |
Accepts a pending warband invitation. |
Declines a pending warband invitation. |
/warbandjoin {any warband member name}[warband password]
Joins a public warband. |
/warbandleader [player name]
Passes the leadership of your warband to another member. |
Lists all open warbands. |
/warbandmove {player name} {destination party id}
Moves the specified member to the specified party within the warband. |
/warbandnote [text]
Sets a brief note about what your warband is doing. |
/warbandpassword [new password]
Changes your warband's password. |
/warbandpromote [member name]
Promotes a warband member to Warband Assistant. |
/warbandresetinstance [GroupNumber]
Resets the instances that your warband owns. |
/warbandsay {text}
Says something to your warband. |
/warbandswap {player 1 name} {player 2 name}
Swaps the party locations of two warband members. |
/wb {text}
Says something to your warband. |
/whisper {player name} {text}
Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/who [level (numeric) / level-minimum (numeric) level-maximum (numeric)][career (text)][zone name (text)][guild name (text)][character name (text)]
Queries information about online players. If no parameter is given, queries players in the same zone as you. Use quotes for parameters with multiple words (eg. "Black Orc") |
Dot commands
There is another set of commands starting with a dot. They are used for maintenance, stats, and development. As a starting point, use .help
in chat. A list of these commands will be shown here later.