Chapter 22 Guide

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Chapter 22 Guide

Chapter 22 is a series of 24-man Public Quests that are built as a raid for 24 Players.

These Public Quests were updated and re-launched in September 2024 with new mechanics.

At the time of writing this page, Chapter 22 now features the most mechanic-heavy fights in Return of Reckoning.

For a guide on the basic mechanics of each Chapter 22 PQ, please see below.

Public Quest Stages

Each Chapter 22 Public Quest features either four or five stages.

The first stages of each Chapter 22 PQ are generally straightforward, with the final bosses featuring unique mechanics and enrage timers that require efficient teamwork to complete.

It may be possible to bypass or ignore some mechanics, but most are specifically designed in ways that give each member of the warband (and each class) very clear roles.

Chapter 22 Rewards

After successfully completing any Chapter 22 PQ, your warband will roll on bags that grant top-tier rewards, like Onslaught Gear and boxes of random best-in-slot Talismans.

Chapter 22 is the only place to acquire Onslaught Gear, a special PvE set that grants the Vanquisher Ward. (As part of the 2024 Re-work, Onslaught Gear was upgraded to Vanquisher Ward, given new pieces and set bonuses, and had its Renown requirement removed.)

Additionally, new Cosmetic Capes were added to Onslaught, each with unique looks that may be a draw for many Fashionhammer aficionados.

The Chest, Helmet, and Shoulders Onslaught pieces drop exclusively from Gold Bags.

It is possible for players who do not need these to Opt Out of the PQ Gold Bags specifically to help players who need these get their gear. Make sure to remind your warband as you enter the final stage to do this, just to be safe.

Chapter 22 New Mechanics Guide

Below you can find a full guide for the key mechanics that exist in each Chapter 22 PQ.

These PQs are generally mirrored by Race. (This means that High Elf mechanics are similar for the Dark Elf PQ; Dwarf mechanics are similar for the Greenskin PQ, etc.)

There are a few rules for Mechanics that are followed by all six Chapter 22 PQs.

General Mechanic Rules:

  • A red light on a player means that an AOE will soon drop on their location
  • A red light on a boss means that the boss is empowered, and dealing bonus damage (it is always possible to remove this)
  • A white light on a Game Object means that the Game Object is important, and can be destroyed
  • A white light on a player means that a special mechanic has activated on them (see the Dwarf and Greenskin guide for examples)
  • Every final boss has a 12 Minute Enrage Timer, which you can see on them as a buff. If the boss is not defeated before this time, they deal massive damage and wipe the raid.

Before you Begin: General Advice

  • The final Lord of every PQ is specially built to deal significant damage. It is highly advised for Main Tanks and Off-Tanks to run maximum avoidance (block/parry) and builds that boost their survival.
    • Many 2H / DPS-leaning Tank Builds may be strong in other PvE content, but might melt considerably faster against these bosses.
  • The amount of adds (extra enemies that spawn) is high in some of these raids. In many cases, a designated group to handle these is advised.
  • Besides healing the raw damage, Healers should keep eyes out for cleanses and debuffs to remove from their party. All of these debuffs are special, and can be cleansed by any healer class.
  • Many bosses have active channels or skills that can be interrupted by DPS or by a tank's Taunt ability. Players should watch for and interrupt these as often as possible.
  • Many bosses have buffs that can be stripped or removed by players. Keep an eye out for these and strip constantly if you see a chance to do so.

Order PQ 1: The Ebon Keep (Chaos)

Yrilesnirin the Changer is a mighty Lord of Change, capable of spawning his own minions and using dark powers of Tzeentch to topple his enemies.

This PQ Lord is a Lord of Change, a greater Daemon of Tzeentch.

Key Mechanics (All Phases):

  • Tank Swap: This boss puts a stacking debuff on whoever is tanking it. Once this debuff reaches 9 stacks, the sacred number of Tzeentch, the player dies instantly.
  • True Damage Spikes: The boss will hit your Main Tank for a large chunk of their HP, regardless of their block or parry rates.
  • Forward Cleave: The boss will cleave players in front of him. Tanks should face him away from the group at all times.
  • Interrupt: This boss has an interruptable AOE attack that will damage all those nearby him.
  • Shatter: This boss will buff himself to increase his power. This can be shattered or stripped.
  • Deadly Adds: Every time the boss loses 10% HP, a group of adds will appear at a random Chaos Portal upstairs. The portals cannot be destroyed.

Phase Mechanics:

Phase 1: (Game Objects) Every 5% HP, the boss will summon the power of a new arcane artifact. These appear up the stairs on the rampart, and a white light will appear with them to draw attention to them.

Phase 2: A Portal Opens up the small ramp behind the boss' spawn location. Within this portal, players must destroy the "Core of the Ebon Keep" object to stop the Lord of Change from gaining a stacking power increase. A Hero mob is also waiting nearby to protect this object.

Phease 3: At 40% HP, two additional Daemons, similar to the Seneschal of the Ebon Keep the raid fought in Stage III, will appear at each of the large stairs leading up to the ramparts. These can and should be killed quickly. These also apply the same stacking 9 stack debuff to their target. If the main Tank has 5 stacks from the boss and 4 stacks from one of these mobs, they will still die from hitting a total of 9 stacks, so be sure to split these onto unique tanks.

Phase 4: At 20%, the boss will enter a DPS race phase. If not killed within the time limit, it will enrage and wipe the raid.

Order PQ 2: Tor Sethai (Dark Elf)

Malus Darkblade battles against possession by Tz'arkan, a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. He will unleash both his own power and that of the Daemon in battle.

This PQ Lord is Malus Darkblade, a Dark Elf partially possessed by a Greater Daemon named Tz'arkan.

Key Mechanics (All Phases):

  • Furthest Player Puddle: The furthest person from the raid will have a red light appear on them, and a puddle will drop on their location a second or two later.
  • True Damage Spikes: The boss will hit your Main Tank for 60% of their HP, regardless of their block or parry rates.
  • AOE Damage: The boss will deal AOE damage to all players near him.
  • Forward Cleave: The boss will cleave players in front of him. Tanks should face him away from the group at all times.
  • Deadly Adds: Every time the boss loses 5% HP, a group of adds will appear at the stairs leading to the upper platform.

Phase Mechanics:

  • Phase 1: (75% HP): The boss will select twelve players at random, who will have red beams shine upon them. After seven seconds, these players will drop slightly weaker versions of the Daemonic Puddle at their locations.
  • Phase 2: (65% HP): A Statue of Khaine spawns above on the ramparts above the stairs that the warband ascended to fight Malus. Use the glowing orbs at the towers to climb up and destroy the statue to stop Malus from gaining bonus damage.
  • Phase 3: (50% HP): A large amount of reinforcement will arrive to support Malus.
  • Phase 4: (25% HP): The boss will again select twelve players at random, who will have red beams shine upon them. After seven seconds, these players will drop slightly weaker versions of the Daemonic Puddle at their locations.
  • Phase 5: 20% HP: A banner will spawn on top of the building behind Malus which reduces his incoming damage. Use the purple Orb behind him to teleport up top and destroy this banner.

Order PQ 3:Dammaz Skar (Greenskin)

This PQ Lord is Gorfang Rotgut, a powerful Warboss who rules over Black Crag. He is assisted by powerful Big Un' Orcs and Night Goblin shamans.

Key Mechanics (All Phases):

  • Gork Sez: The key mechanic is called "Gork Sez", and is similar to "Simon Says": If Gork Sez to do an emote, you must target Gorfang and then do the required emote.
    • As an example, If "Gork Sez Bow!", you must target Gorfang and then use the /bow emote.
    • Important: The Shaman will try to trick you! If he doesn't say "Gork Sez", don't do an emote!
    • You can see the commands both in your center screen messages and also in your chat logs. Be sure to filter them so you ensure you have visibility on this mechanic.
  • Gork's Gift: Players will randomly be given "Gork's Gift", which is a buff + debuff that increases their damage for a short time. After the timer ends, their increased damage goes even higher. If this debuff is not cleansed before it reaches the third stage, it will kill the player at the end.
  • Stand in Da Green: The Shaman will periodically target a random player, who will have their name announced in chat and center screen messages. After a few seconds, this player will drop a Green Puddle that damages any players who stand in it.

Phase Mechanics:

Destro PQ 1: All the King's Men (Empire)

Kurt Helborg is one of the greatest swordsmen in the world. The Grand Marshal of the Reiksguard, his allies in this fight include both powerful knights and a dangerous Celestial Wizard.

This PQ Lord is Kurt Helborg, one of the greatest warriors of the Empire. He is supported by the Reiksguard and a Celestial Wizard.

Key Mechanics (All Phases):

  • Tank Swap: This boss puts a stacking debuff on whoever is tanking him. Once this debuff reaches ten stacks, Kurt will strike a killing blow, instantly defeating his target.
  • True Damage Spikes: Kurt will hit your Main Tank for a large chunk of their HP, regardless of their block or parry rates.
  • Forward Cleave: The boss will cleave players in front of him. Tanks should face him away from the group at all times.
  • Interrupt: This boss has an interruptable AOE attack that will damage all those nearby him. (This attack is a spin and looks like the Raze Morale 2)
  • Shatter: This boss will buff himself to increase his power. This can be shattered or stripped.
  • Deadly Adds: Every time the boss loses 10% HP, a group of Reiksguard Reinforcements will appear from a random direction to join the fight.

Phase 1: (Game Objects) Every 5% HP, the Reiksguard will raise banners or summon objects to empower Kurt. These appear first over near the Tents outside the PQ's tower, and each will have a white light glowing on it to make it visible. One appears at the bottom floor of the Tower, and another will appear around the side of the Tower. Destroy these quickly to remove the buffs from Kurt.

Phase 2: At 50% HP, the Game Objects stop spawning. A Portal Opens up the stairs behind the boss' spawn location. Within this portal, players must defeat the Celestial Wizard and then destroy the Game Object sitting atop the tower he resides in. Once defeated, use the Exit Portal to rejoin the fight.

Phease 3: At 40% HP, two Reikscaptains will appear on either side of Kurt. These can and should be killed quickly. These also apply the same stacking 10 stack debuff to their target. If the main Tank has 5 stacks from the boss and 5 stacks from one of these mobs, they will still die from hitting a total of 10 stacks, so be sure to split these onto unique tanks.

Phase 4: At 20%, the boss will enter a DPS race phase. If not killed within the time limit, it will enrage and wipe the raid.

Destro PQ 2: The Glittering Citadel (High Elf)

Destro PQ 3: The Slayer Keep (Dwarf)

Ungrim Ironfist, the Slayer King, is a deadly fighter. The Slayer Keep, where he resides, is the largest shrine to Grimnir in the world.

This PQ Lord is Ungrim Ironfist, the Slayer King and one of the deadliest fighters and commanders of the Dwarfs. He is joined by a Herald of Grimnir named Rungrar, who cannot be killed and will constantly cast damaging spells on your raid.

Key Mechanics (All Phases):

  • Grimnir Commands: The key mechanic is called "Grimnir Commands", and is similar to "Simon Says": If Grimnir Commands you to do an emote, you must target Ungrim Ironfist and then do the required emote.
    • As an example, If "Grimnir Commands... cry!", you must target Ungrim Ironfist and then use the /cry emote.
    • If you fail to use the correct emote and Grimnir Commanded it, you'll die once the timer expires.
    • Important: The Grimnir's Herald, Rungrar, will try to trick you! If he doesn't say "Grimnir Commands", don't do an emote, or you'll die!
    • You can see the commands both in your center screen messages and also in your chat logs. Be sure to filter them so you ensure you have visibility on this mechanic.
  • Napalm: The Herald of Grimnir will periodically target a random player, who will have their name announced in chat and center screen messages. After a few seconds, this player will drop a Napalm fire AOE at their location, damaging anyone who steps into it.