Onslaught Set

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The Onslaught Set

The Onslaught Set is an upper mid-tier armor set within Return of Reckoning.

This set comes after the Conqueror Set, and requires the Conqueror Ward to equip.

Onslaught originally featured 5 pieces, but as part of the Sept 2024 Chapter 22 Re-launch, was updated to now feature 7 pieces. All pieces of Onslaught are bound on pick-up, so you cannot trade or buy Boots or Gloves for this set on the Auction House.

Onslaught also features a unique cape that grants armor at the cost of lower resistances.

Additionally, Onslaught is the first set to grant a 7-piece Granted Ability. In this set, each ability provides some sort of benefit to your group or players around you.

How to equip Onslaught Armor

The Onslaught Cape is unique in that it grants half armor and half resistances. Capes also have unique designs, as seen in the image above. (Click for full size)

To wear Onslaught Armor, you'll first need the Conqueror Ward granted by equipping five pieces of Conqueror Armor or equivalent sets.

Once that's complete, it's time to gather allies - Onslaught is earned exclusively via the [[Chapter 22 Guide|Chapter 22] Public Quests, which are Raids designed for 24 players.

In these Public Quests, all Gold Bags and Purple Bags contain Onslaught Gear.

There's no Renown Rank requirement to equip this set, as it follows the PvE Gearing Progression.

Onslaught Armor Acquisition

Onslaught Armor is divided up between all three Chapter 22 Public Quests.

Each PQ has two pieces of gear. Gold Bags have exclusive pieces, and also offer the pieces awarded in Purple Bags. If your Warband has people who don't need the gear, you can ask them to opt-out of Gold or even All bags to increase your chances of getting the gear you need.

  • High Elf / Dark Elf PQ: Awards Boots (Purple Bags), or Helmet (Gold Bags)
  • Empire / Chaos PQ: Awards Gloves (Purple Bags) or Shoulders (Gold Bags)
  • Dwarf / Greenskin PQ: Awards Belt (Purple Bags) or Chest (Gold Bags)
  • Cape: Acquired via completing a quest to complete all 3 Chapter 22 PQs. Quest found at the Chapter 22 Rally Masters.

Is the Onslaught Set good for my class?

For some builds, Onslaught is an excellent starting set or hybrid set to combine with others.

In particular, the boost V bonus is fantastic for those DPS classes who gain it. The Range increase

Set Bonuses

Wearing 2 or more pieces of Onslaught will grant your character additional set bonuses.

  • For Tanks and Healers, The first 6 bonuses are always the same, and the 7 piece bonus is shared by one class per faction.
  • For DPS Sets, if you see an ←, it means this class gains the same benefit listed in the left column.

To see full details on the set bonuses for Onslaught, expand one of the tables below:

2 Pieces +66 Strength
3 Pieces +73 Wounds
4 Pieces +80 Toughness
5 Pieces +5% Block
6 Pieces On Block: 10% chance to restore 500 HP and 50 AP
Knight & Chosen 7 Pieces Anytime you block an enemy's attack, low damage is reflected back and their outgoing damage is reduced by 5%.
Swordmaster & Black Orc 7 Pieces All Improved or Perfect Balance attacks have 25% chance to increase incoming healing by 5% on all groupmates within 100 feet except you.
Ironbreaker & Black Guard 7 Pieces When you block, all members of your group within 100 feet except you become 5% less likely to be critically hit for 10 seconds.
2 Pieces +66 Willpower
3 Pieces +73 Wounds
4 Pieces +80 Toughness
5 Pieces +5% Healing Critical chance
6 Pieces On Direct Heal: 5% chance to remove a Hex, Curse, or Ailment from your heal target
Archmage and Shaman 7 Pieces All your healing abilites have a 10% chance to increase Critical Heal chance by 9% and increase added value from criticals by 12% for 10 seconds.
Warrior Priest & Disciple of Khaine 7 Pieces All your healing abilites have a 10% chance to increase the power of your heals by 12% for 10 seconds.
Rune Priest & Zealot 7 Pieces All your healing abilites have a 10% chance to increase Healing Power by 110 for 10 seconds.
Melee DPS
Slayer & Choppa Witch Hunter & Witch Elf White Lion & Marauder
2 Pieces +66 Strength
3 Pieces +73 Wounds
4 Pieces +5% reduced chance to be parried.
5 Pieces +5% Melee Critical chance +15% Auto-attack haste.
6 Pieces On Critical Hit: 10% chance to increase your auto-attack damage by 25% for 5 seconds.
7 Pieces While you are Furious, all of your attacks will ignore 10% of your enemies' armor. While Berserk, all of your attacks will ignore 20% of enemies' armor. Any time an enemy defends your attack, you will strike them for low damage which they cannot prevent. Increases Critical hit rate of all Path of Hunter / Path of Brutality abilities by 10%.
Magic and Ranged DPS
Bright Wizard, Sorcerer, & Magus Shadow Warrior, Squig Herder, & Engineer
2 Pieces +66 Intelligence +66 Ballistic Skill
3 Pieces +73 Toughness +73 Wounds
4 Pieces +5% reduced chance to be disrupted. +80 Weapon Skill
5 Pieces +10 foot increased Range
6 Pieces On Critical Hit: Increase Dodge Strikethrough and Disrupt Strikethrough by 20% on next ability cast. Can only occur once ever 3 seconds.
7 Pieces Bright Wizard: All your Path of Immolation abilities have a 10% chance to increase your critical hit rate by 9% and your critical damage by 12% for 9 seconds.
Sorcerer: All your Path of Calamity abilities have a 5% chance to increase your critical hit rate by 9% and your critical damage by 12% for 9 seconds.
Magus: Each time you critically hit an enemy with Path of Havoc abilities, 20% chance to reduce their initiative by 80 for 5 seconds.
Shadow Warrior: Increases the critical hit rate of all Path of the Skirmisher abilities by 10%
Squig Herder: Increases the critical hit rate of all Path of Quick Shootin' abilities by 10%
Engineer: Each time you critically hit an enemy with Path of Rifleman abilities, 20% chance to reduce their initiative by 80 for 5 seconds.

Unlocking the Onslaught Ward

File:Onslaught Fragments.png
The Onslaught Ward has 5 Fragments, making some pieces of this set optional.

The Onslaught Ward is the second-to-last Gear Ward, and is unlocked by equipping five pieces of Onslaught Armor. Those are:

  • Boots
  • Gloves
  • Shoulders
  • Helm
  • Chest

You can also unlock this ward with other armor sets - please see the Vanquisher Ward page for info.

Next stop: Invader

The Onslaught Ward is the final step required to unlock the gates for both the Warlord and Sovereign Sets, which represent best-in-slot gear for many players.

From this point forward, there are no more RvR Wards to unlock, so you can freely purchase and equip both Warlord and Sovereign once you have enough War Crests and a high enough Renown Rank.