Nothing in Vain

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Nothing in Vain is a quest in Nordland given by Sindri Grothsson.

Lore text

Upon receiving from Sindri Grothsson:

"Look at them training down below, the might of the Karaz Ankor. Here to save the Empire while the mountain holds fall to the grobi. Ruebatuki they call those like myself and my kin, a term meaning rootless dwarfs because our ancestors chose another path in life. Aye, we may have left the mountains, but we are as loyal to Kurgan Ironbeard's oath to the Empire as those that look down upon us. I am a merchant, but you -character class- look like a fighter. Perhaps we can help each other. The Raven Host descends upon the Empire, the first blow landing on Nordland. Aid the defenders of the Empire and I'll send word to my contacts to reward you for your efforts."