Empire T1 Epic Quest The Emperor's Mandate
First, you have to take the quest "Promise of Battle" from Matthias Gelt at the Empire Chapter 2 in Nordland. Complete the first step of this quest, then accept "Love Lost" from Vidkun. Complete the two steps of this quest line, then you will be able to start "The Emperor's Mandate" in Nordland at the Empire Chapter 2 from Old Duffer.
Step by Step Guide
Step 1
Travel northwest to speak with Lieutenant Wilhem at 14.5k/16.7k.
Step 2
Speak with Patrolman Brandr east down the cliff at 16.2k/16.2k.
Step 3
Return to Lieutenant Wilhem and speak with him.
Step 4
Return to Empire Chapter 2, and speak with 4 Grey Lady Patrons inside the inn. Then speak to Innkeeper Svelta to complete your quest and turn it in.
Step 5
Kill Corrupter Bathshida at 19.6k/15.3k.
Then return to Lieutenant Wilhem.
Step 6
Find Sergeant Altmann in Nordland at Empire Chapter 3, and speak to him.
Step 7
Go east and kill 3 Empire Turncoats. Kill them until one drops the item 'Turncoat's Journal'.
Return to Sergeant Altmann when complete.
Step 8
Travel north to Norsca at Empire Chapter 4 and speak with Aldric Ohrsten.
Step 9
Go north to the PQ 'Pit of the Forsaken' and kill 10 Forsaken (includes Diseased and Plagued Forsaken).
When done, interact with a Cesspool around 55k/23.5k to complete your quest and turn it in.
Step 10
Loot 4 'Holy Salt' from the Gotland Crates inside the PQ. Then neutralize the Cesspools by clicking on them.
Then turn in your quest to Sergeant Polk at 58.1k/30.5k.
Step 11
Kill Ritualist Navr inside Spindekraken cave, and take his head.
Bring his head to Sergeant Polk, and claim your reward.
Quest Rewards
You can copy this link in your macro window or in the /s channel in game to see the rewards at the end of the quest:
<LINK data="QUEST:30092" text="[The Emperor's Mandate]" color="243,228,103">