Keep Claiming and Unclaiming

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Revision as of 04:06, 15 July 2024 by Rubius (talk | contribs) (Building this page so people can find the unclaim keep #s easier)
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Guilds in Return of Reckoning can Claim Keeps to provide benefits for their guild and their realm.

Claiming a Keep

To Claim a Keep, use the State of Realm add-on and Click the "Claim Keep" button.

Unclaiming a Keep =

At the time of writing this page, unclaiming a keep is a little more tricky, and is the primary reason for this page's creation.

To Unclaim a Keep, a guild member with appropriate rank (set by your guild lead) must type:

/guildreleasekeep (keepnumberhere)

The Keep Numbers are per keep, and are:

1 Dok Karaz 2 Fangbreaka Swamp 3 Gnol Baraz 4 Thickmuck Pit 5 Karaz Drengi 6 Kazad Dammaz 7 Bloodfist Rock 8 Karak Karag 9 Ironskin Skar 10 Badmoon Hole 11 Mandred's Hold 12 Stonetroll Keep 13 Passwatch Castle 14 Stoneclaw Castle 15 Wilhelm's Fist 16 Morr's Repose 17 Southern Garrison 18 Garrison of Skulls 19 Zimmeron's Hold 20 Charon's Keep 21 Cascades of Thunder 22 Spite's Reach 23 The Well of Qhaysh 24 Ghrond's Sacristy 25 Arbor of Light 26 Pillars of Remembrance 27 Covenant of Flame 28 Drakebreaker's Scourge 29 Hatred's Way 30 Wrath's Resolve

So to release Wrath's Resolve, you would type: "/guildreleasekeep 30"

Once you've used the command, you can check your guild log to confirm that the release worked correctly.

Costs of Claiming a Keep

Every 5 minutes, your guild will be charged a maintenance fee for owning the keep.

The default flat rate for claiming a Keep is 10 Silver for Tier 2, 15 Silver for Tier 3, and 20 Silver for Tier 4 every 5 minutes.