Keep Claiming and Unclaiming

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Guilds in Return of Reckoning can Claim Keeps to provide benefits for their guild and their realm.

Claiming a Keep

To Claim a Keep, use the State of Realm add-on and Click the "Claim Keep" button.

Unclaiming a Keep =

At the time of writing this page, unclaiming a keep is a little more tricky, and is the primary reason for this page's creation.

To Unclaim a Keep, a guild member with appropriate rank (set by your guild lead) must type:

/guildreleasekeep (keepnumberhere)

The Keep Numbers are per keep, and are:

  • 1 Dok Karaz
  • 2 Fangbreaka Swamp
  • 3 Gnol Baraz
  • 4 Thickmuck Pit
  • 5 Karaz Drengi
  • 6 Kazad Dammaz
  • 7 Bloodfist Rock
  • 8 Karak Karag
  • 9 Ironskin Skar
  • 10 Badmoon Hole
  • 11 Mandred's Hold
  • 12 Stonetroll Keep
  • 13 Passwatch Castle
  • 14 Stoneclaw Castle
  • 15 Wilhelm's Fist
  • 16 Morr's Repose
  • 17 Southern Garrison
  • 18 Garrison of Skulls
  • 19 Zimmeron's Hold
  • 20 Charon's Keep
  • 21 Cascades of Thunder
  • 22 Spite's Reach
  • 23 The Well of Qhaysh
  • 24 Ghrond's Sacristy
  • 25 Arbor of Light
  • 26 Pillars of Remembrance
  • 27 Covenant of Flame
  • 28 Drakebreaker's Scourge
  • 29 Hatred's Way
  • 30 Wrath's Resolve

So to release Wrath's Resolve, you would type: "/guildreleasekeep 30"

Once you've used the command, you can check your guild log to confirm that the release worked correctly.

Costs of Claiming a Keep

Every 5 minutes, your guild will be charged a maintenance fee for owning the keep.

The default flat rate for claiming a Keep is 10 Silver for Tier 2, 15 Silver for Tier 3, and 20 Silver for Tier 4 every 5 minutes.