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Granther's Lucky Hammer is a quest in Nordland given by Sergeant Westwood. You are to go into a nearby haunted tomb and retrieve an item from a grave in it's furthest reaches.

Lore text

Upon receiving from Sergeant Westwood

"So this all came about because of ol' Bitterstone's concerns about his weapons going to waste, eh? He may seem a bit mean-spirited, but he´s got a good heart. And no one's more talented with the anvil.

He seems to be losing a bit of his drive of late, though, as he's not usually so far behind on filling orders. I believe I may know a way to renew his vigor, however!

See, unlike many other Dwarfs in the Empire lands, Bitterstone´s here by choice. Where he's from, Grimmenhagen is known as a land once visited by a famous Dwarf smith named Granther Hammerfist. His remains are entombed in that crypt over yonder.

They say he was buried with his most prized work - the best hammer he ever crafted. Many a Dwarf would love to wield it, but none have dared enter those accursed barrows in search of it.

You´re a fine -character class-, though, -character name-. I bet you could find it, and I bet ol' Bitterstone would be mighty glad to have it!"

Upon completion to Alrin Bitterstone

"By Grungni's blasted bellows! Now this is what I call a hammer, -character name-! The wood's rotted a bit, but the shaft's still sound. Ye say this comes from Granther Hammerfist's legendary forge? I believe it! That Hammerfist knew how to pound an anvil!

Now if I can be left alone a spell, we'll see about getting these manlings some proper weapons!"