Wight Lord Solithex
Wight Lord Solithex (Optional)

Wight Lord Solithex is a challenging fight but also one of the cooler battles in Gunbad, so if you're taking him on, kudos to you for not skipping out. He's also the only boss that drops the Redeye Cape, needed to complete the Set Bonus. (This cape is not required for the Ward.)
Positioning matters on this boss, and most groups will have their Healers or Ranged DPS stand up on the ledge behind the Boss as you enter the room. Your Tank and melee DPS will brawl in the middle where the boss starts.
Also: Far in the back of the room, near NPC "Ghoullom" and behind where the healers will stand, is a totem. Remember this location, because it's going to be important at the end of the fight.
Key Mechanics:
- This boss has a lifesteal mechanic. When he says: "Give unto me that which sustains you!", all players can move back and out of the faint purple puddle on the floor, which will drain your HP and restore the bosses'.
- Tank: Keep the boss facing away from the group, as usual. But also save your AOE Challenge, because you'll need it for upcoming adds, like:
- At 70% HP, the boss will summon four giant Skeleton Champions. The Tank can AOE Challenge these and the DPS should AOE them and then continue on the boss.
- At 40% HP, the boss will spawn four broken pillars inside the arena. Each of these will constantly spawn skeleton mobs, and if you don't destroy them fast, your party will be overrun. Have your DPS all focus down the same pillars together, one at a time, to stop the skeletons from piling up. Your tank can also Challenge here to pull the adds off the group. Once the pillars are handled, AOE down any remaining skeletons.
- At 20% HP, the boss will grow huge and glow red, and his movement speed will slow considerably. Here, the tank should kite the boss around the center of the room where they're already tanking, and all DPS should move to the back of the room to destroy the Soulstone Totem mentioned earlier. It's now also glowing red, to indicate that you can DPS it down.
- Once the Totem is destroyed, the boss will return to normal, and you can DPS it down to 0!
Note: Once you beat this boss, do not take the portal it spawns if you want to move on to the final boss, Ard Ta Feed. Instead, just run back through the door you entered from.
Wight Lord Solithex counts as a Final Boss, awarding Credit for the Guild Coin quest to defeat a Dungeon boss, and granting two players who win Gold Bags the Redeye Cloak.