Loyal Companion

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This category lists the Tome of Knowledge Achievements unlocks for Loyal Companion.

Unlocks for Order & Destruction

  • Loyal Mastiff

48700, 52200 - In Ostland

Talk to "Randulf Ackermann" an NPC in "Wolfenburg Inn" Empire chapter 9 camp. He is standing to the side of a tent in the middle.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Better Off Dead

47300, 62300 - In Ostland

Kill "Zombified Hound" on the far southside of "Wolfenburg" major landmark. It is between the mill and the large house, towards the back.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Bruno's Safe Return

47300, 62300 - In Ostland

Kill "Zombified Hound" to get the quest item "Bruno's Collar". Click it to start the quest "Bruno's Fate", and return it to "Randulf Ackermann" at 48700, 55200. Complete the quest for the unlock.

Rewards: XP: 150

  • Who's A Good Boy?

48700, 52200 - In Ostland

Talk to "Bruno", he appears once you complete the above achivements.

Rewards: XP: 150