Live Event: Rise of the Tomb Kings

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Though the stirring of the undead may be a disturbing and rare phenomenon in the lands of the Old World, the Tomb Kings are ever restless since the days of Nagash. South of the Black Mountains, the presence of the living is sure to awake the dead from their slumber. Those who dare to enter the realm of the Tomb Kings are certain to face their ire.

The Nehekharan goddess Sakhmet is always eager to toy with the fate of the living, and the dead. The moon known to the people of the Empire as Morrslieb is known to the Nehekharans as Sakhmet. When the grim face of this moon draws nearer to the world, Sakhmet whispers tales of riches into the ears of the slumbering Old Worlders. At the mere mention of treasure the living foolishly dare to tempt undeath. All it takes is one boastful drunkard in a tavern, and the Tomb Kings rise.


  • Appease Sakhmet 0 / 10
The jealous concubine of Ptra whispers great tales of great wealth and power to those who slay the living and leave their flesh to rot before the moon of Sakhmet or Morrslieb. Go to the Garden of Qu’aph and (For Order) speak with Ubaid, son of Sadiki or Queb Runihura, (For Destruction) Moswen, Son of Panahasi or Kneph Hansi, about how you can appease Sakhmet.
  • Kill enemy realm players 0 / 200
Kill Enemy Players to appease Sakhmet’s desire for the shedding of northern blood.
  • Retrieve Supplies 0 / 10
Venture to the battlefield and collect supplies for your expedition to Nehekharan.
  • Kill a member of Alcadizaar’s Court 0 / 1
Alcadizaar’s loyal generals and advisors will rise again to honor his legacy.Do not allow them to get too powerful. Find their resting places and hello them stay dead.
  • Slay the Aspects of the Nehekharan Pantheon 0 / 24
The Gods of ancient Nehekharan have descended onto Zandri to protect it from Sakhmet’s influence. Slay their animal aspects and show them Zandri is forsaken.
  • (For Order) Begin the Trail of Bones Quest - Chapter 2. (For Destruction) Begin Beyond the Sands Quest - Chapter 2 0 / 1
Go to the Garden of Qu’aph and (For Order) speak to Queb Runihura about how you can begin to follow the Trail of Bones, (For Destruction) speak to Kneph Hansi about how you can learn what is Beyond the Sands.
  • Kill 100 Undead 0 / 100
You cannot allow the undead to rise in such numbers that they overwhelm your armies.
  • Honor Qu’aph by winning Duels 0 / 1
Once you set foot in Qu’aph’s domain, you must prove your worth. Complete the quest Qu’aph’s Trials in the Garden of Qu’aph.
  • Resurrect the Fallen 0 / 10
Do not allow the undead to claim the bodies of your fallen allies. You can purchase the Litany of Undeath in the Garden of Qu’aph to aid you in this task.
  • Complete all Rise of the Tomb King tasks 0 / 9

Exclusive Rise of the Tomb Kings Event Rewards

  • Basic Rewards:
Tomb King Carrion, or Tomb King Scarab, or Tomb King Scorpion vanity pets, or a Crate of Tomb King dyes.
  • Advanced Rewards:
The Nehekharan Guard's Shroud or the Nehekharan Scarab's Shroud, or a Potion of Acclaim.
  • Elite Rewards:
Skeletal Steed Or the Nehekharan Gold Disc for the Magus. - (decay timers based on renown bracket).

Live Event Quests and Achievements

  • There are a total of 51 achievements and 9 titles associated with this live event (excluding 16 cloak unlocks), some of which are stored in the tome section, "Legends and Infamy".

Exclusive Rise of the Tomb Kings Event Vanity Pets

Coming Soon

Exclusive Rise of the Tomb Kings Event Titles

Title Related Unlock/Task Faction
Preparer of Ways Finish your Journey in the Trail of Bones or Beyond the Sands Both
The Eternal Complete all Rise of the Tomb Kings Tasks Both
The Graverobber Complete the Antiquities Lost, or Crash and Urn Quest Both
Navigator of the Sands Complete the Secrets of the Sands, or Souls and Shadows Quest Both
Darkbane Defeat Iktarakh, Reclaimer of Ualatp in the Fallen Kings PQ Both
Deathwilled Complete the Lure of the Liche Lord Quest Both
The Aviator Obtained Aviator Goggles Both
Boneflayer Defeated Every Member of Alcadizaar's Court Both
The Jackal Forgotten Statue Both

Exclusive Rise of the Tomb Kings Event Dyes

Rise of the Tomb Kings Event Dyes
  • Nehekharan Turquoise
  • Settra teal
  • Nehekharan Lapis
  • Necrosphinix Obsidian
  • Bhagarite Steed Grey
  • Khemri Brick
  • Brass Scorpion
  • Liche Priest Flesh
  • Lybaras Beige
  • Nehekharan Sandstone
  • Bel-Aliad Ochre
  • Lahmia Gold
  • Quatar Marble
  • Screaming Skull
  • Sakhmet Green
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Zandri Dust
  • Settra Red
  • Numas Scarlet
  • Imrathepis Crimson
  • Tomb King Gold
  • Ka-Sabre Bronze