Blaz da Tamin' Masta

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Another mandatory boss (dual minibosses) before Arathremia. This encounter is a public quest as well, so gold bags include the gloves and boots of the Redeye Set.



This Goblin hero will come with his Giant Spider friend Velkyrix. Only Blaz da Tamin' Masta have to be killed to achieve the quest, but you will probably have to kill the spider as well since she will not despawn, thus blocking the way.

Focus on killing Blaz da Tamin' Masta first, then go for the spider.

/!\ Caution: The giant spider will lay eggs all around her during all the fight, wich will spawn multiple adds if hit. Avoid AoE at all costs !!!

Stay in max range to avoid AoE from both bosses, and tank them apart if possible (those can be both solo-tanked with strong maintank)