Black Fire Pass History and Lore
From RoR Wiki
This category lists the Tome of Knowledge History & Lore unlocks for Black Fire Pass.
Unlocks for Order & Destruction
- Beer
- For Order and Destruction: 48k, 58.9k - Interact with the 'Keg of Beer' at the corner of a ruined tower inside Proudrock - Dwarf Chapter 12.
- Note For Destruction: It is obtainable. Start climbing around 51.5k, 57k, head to the ruined tower following the northwest side of the hill. Follow the north wall of the tower, then turn left and you will see the keg.
- Battle of Black Fire Pass
- For Order and Destruction: 44k, 20k - Area Proximity Unlock: Enter the tower at Ancient's Reach, Major Landmark.
- The Oath between Men and Dwarfs
- For Order and Destruction: 5.9k, 22.2k - Interact with the 'Plunger' at the end of the cave 'Orehound's Lament', Major Landmark. in RvR lake.
- Bugman's Brewery
- For Order and Destruction: 25k, 19k - Interact with the 'Long Forgotten Tools' behind the Bugman's Brewery BO in the RvR lake next to the ramp.
- Dwarf Craftsmanship
- For Order and Destruction: 5.5k, 57k - Interact with the 'Dwarf Anvil' the Tharadrik Smashin' PQ behind one of the buildings.
- Sisters of Shallya
- For Order and Destruction: 55k, 57k - Interact with the crate of 'Medicine' to the right of the Hindelburg PQ entrance gate.
- Dwarf Trains
- For Order and Destruction: 23k, 42k - Interact with the book 'Manual for New Engineers' on top of the tower at the Grimbeard Station PQ.
- Ghal Maraz
- For Order and Destruction: 40k, 5.7k - Area Proximity Unlock: Approach the giant statue that is part of the mountainside at.
- Worlds Edge Mountains
- For Order and Destruction: 1.2k, 4.6k - Area Proximity Unlock: Approach the gate in upper northwest area of the RvR lake.
- The Time of Woes
- For Order and Destruction: 46.4k, 13.5k - Area Proximity Unlock: Approach the dwarven statue guarded by a small company of Kazdor Dwarfs.
- The Path of Sigmar - Part One
- For Order and Destruction: 14k, 44k- Interact with 'Roadside Plaque' up the road behind the Snow Peak Temple, Major Landmark.
- The Path of Sigmar - Part Two
- For Order and Destruction: 10.3k, 41.7k - Continue the road from Part 1. A few corners later in front of an angel statue, interact with another 'Roadside Plaque'.
- The Path of Sigmar - Part Three
- For Order and Destruction: 4.5k, 47k - Keep following the road from Part 2. On your right side slightly upwards near another Statue of Sigmar, this one is not in a wooden shrine. Interact with another 'Roadside Plaque'.
- The Path of Sigmar - Part Four
- For Order and Destruction: 2k, 34.5k - Follow the road from Part 3. you'll come to an open spot. You'll see a wooden fence on the left. The new 'Roadside Plaque' is on the right side near some stones.
- The Path of Sigmar - Conclusion
- For Order and Destruction: 1.5k, 29k - Continue following the road from Part 4 up through the mist all the way up the mountain. At the top right in front of the big Statue of Sigmar and 2 angel statues, you'll find the last 'Roadside Plaque'. Interact with it to gain the unlock.