Barak Varr History and Lore

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This category lists the Tome of Knowledge History & Lore unlocks for Barak Varr.

Unlocks for Order & Destruction

  • Long Drong and his Slayer Pirates
For Order and Destruction: 6k, 45.6k - Interact with a barrel of ale, labeled 'Rarest Ale', washed up on the beaches by The Seas Anvil, Major Landmark.
  • Sacred Oaths
For Order and Destruction: 37.3k, 46k - Area Proximity Unlock: Enter the destroyed dwarf tower surrounded by greenskins, just southwest of Foultooth’s Warcamp.
  • Waaagh! Magic
For Order and Destruction: 41k, 51k - Interact with the 'Orc Remains' among the trees and Bloodtusk Warsnouts in Barak Weald.
  • Size Matters
For Order and Destruction: 6.3k, 26.6k - Area Proximity unlock: Walk on the broken Dwarf statue near the entrance of Wetfang Cave.
  • Greenskin Battle Barges
For Order and Destruction: 16.2k, 27k - Area Proximity unlock: Approach the docked Greenskin barge filled with River Rat Champions.
  • One Tusk Tribe
For Order and Destruction: 4.7k, 30k - Interact with the ‘Bloody Sun Goblin’, a goblin head on a spear, by the sign post west of Nogaz’s Boyz - Greenskin Chapter 5.
  • Overlook Bridge
For Order and Destruction: 46.4k, 25k - Interact with the ‘Harbor master’s Spyglass’ by the great bridge in the underground Port of Barak Varr (inside the mountain) through Longbeard's Strand, Major Landmark, in the RvR Lakes.
  • Tribal Assimilation
For Order and Destruction: 33.3k, 19k- Interact with the 'Fallen Banner' on the Black Strand beach. Be sure to be in the target circle of the banner when you click on it.
  • Ironclads
For Order and Destruction: 27.8k, 29k - Area Proximity unlock: Reach the sunken Ironclad at. (Not implemented yet)
  • Leviathan
For Order and Destruction: 35.6k, 34.5k - Interact with the ‘Sunbaked Vertebrae’ on the beach in the RvR zone between Dok Karaz and The Ironclad BO.