Ursine Domina

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Revision as of 19:37, 7 June 2023 by Syntillate (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Applies a debuff (Plague) in an area around it which will cause damage done (to any target) by players with the debuff to heal it significantly. Area purge skills are very useful here. Careful attacks are required. It is possible to do this with single target purges but everyone needs to keep careful watch on their debuffs. It's also possible for rdps to apply dps from outside the range of the debuff, if they can attack from far enough away.")
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Applies a debuff (Plague) in an area around it which will cause damage done (to any target) by players with the debuff to heal it significantly. Area purge skills are very useful here. Careful attacks are required. It is possible to do this with single target purges but everyone needs to keep careful watch on their debuffs. It's also possible for rdps to apply dps from outside the range of the debuff, if they can attack from far enough away.