Lucky Snotling’s Foot
From RoR Wiki
Lucky Snotling’s Foot
The Trophy Ear is a Pocket Item that grants +1 Morale per second. (Overall, this equates to a roughly 5% Morale Gain increase.)
This pocket item is restricted to Greenskin Characters.
You must be level 16 to begin the Quest to earn this Pocket Item, and level 16 to equip it.
Earning the Lucky Snotling’s Foot
- To acquire this Pocket Item, first fly to Barak Varr to FoulTooth’s Warcamp - Greenskin War Camp.
- From FoulTooth’s Warcamp, head North to Redcap Cove and the Long Drong and the Slayer Cove PQ to @ 23.4k / 2.1k. Search the shoreline to find the Little Git washed up on the beach.
- Interact with the Little Git to begin the quest "My Lucky Snottie”.
- Interact with the Little Git once again to gain the Lucky Snotling’s Foot!
All done!