Troll Country History and Lore

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This category lists the Tome of Knowledge History & Lore unlocks for Troll Country.

Unlocks for Order & Destruction

  • Cult of the Plaguesworn
For Order and Destruction: 30.5k, 52.8k - Kill the ‘Blighted Prophet’ (Champion lvl 13) by the Blighted Farm PQ.
  • Sacred Totems
For Order and Destruction: 39k, 46k - Proximity Area Unlock: - Walk near 3 wooden eagle-like totems in the beach near In the southern part of Trovolek - Destruction Chapter 8.
  • The End Times
For Order and Destruction: 34.8k, 32.2k - Interact with the book titled 'This Will Be Your Doom', it is mostly obscured by the nest. It is located among the Great Eagle Nests, Major Landmark, there is a nest near the ledge to the right while going up the long hill.
  • The Cult of Sigmar
For Order and Destruction: 10.8k, 53.3k - Interact with the ‘Statue of Sigmar’ in RvR lake, northwest of Felde Castle - Chaos Chapter 6.
  • Nobility
For Order and Destruction: 8.3k, 23.2k - Interact with the 'Fine Tools' lying on the ground off the cliff of Suskarg - Empire Chapter 5.
/!\ Note for Destruction: It's close to the Order town so, watch for guards. If you stay on the lower edge of the hill, you will find the tools just before reaching the snow hills. Stay right below order town.
  • Nurgle
For Order and Destruction: 51.7k, 30k - Kill ‘Corvak the Maimed’ in the middle of Lursa's Blight PQ, on top of the hill.
  • Soulblight Stone
For Order and Destruction: 50k, 54.5k - Interact with 'Dead Marauder' among a group of marauder corpses. This unlock is in-between Slayer's Demise PQ and Plague Trolls PQ, but it's closest to the latter. On the map is a medium sized lake (the only one), there are some little plots of land scattered around, it's in the right-most side of the lake. (looks like a circle on the map).
  • Taal
For Order and Destruction: 7.6k, 52.7k - Interact with the little 'Wine in a Casket' on the ground near a copse of trees, in the RvR lakes, east from the Ruins of Greystone Keep BO. It's to the right of the fork in the road on the map.
  • Mannslieb and Morrslieb
For Order and Destruction: 16.3k, 55.8k - Interact with the 'Very Large Telescope' directly south of the Felde Castle - Empire Chapter 6, up on a partially crumbled section of wall. Hug the west side of the wall and stand partially on the rock to just slightly come within range of the telescope to use it.
/!\ Note for Destruction: It is possible to reach the 'Very Large Telescope', but you must be prudent. Coming from the east, you'll have to walk on the second road, the one at the southwestern that does not go through Felde Castle - Empire Chapter 6. You should see the partially crumbled section of wall on your left, with the 'Very Large Telescope' above.
  • Scarce Resources
For Order and Destruction: 23.15k, 52.7k - Interact with the ‘Destroyed Supplies’ between the burning house and cart on the west side of The Blighted Farm PQ.