Disciple of Khaine Equipment Sets

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Decimator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Decimator Bloodwades 7/7 3 80 6 2 4 2 /
Decimator Breastscale 8/8 9 110 8 / 5 4 + 1% Parry
Total 8/8 12 190 14 2 9 6 /
2 Piece + 14 Willpower

Obliterator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Obliterator Bloodwades 15/15 10 160 15 7 4 2 /
Obliterator Armscales 16/16 5 168 19 2 6 5 /
Obliterator Breastscale 17/17 18 220 15 / 9 6 + 2% Parry
Total 17/17 33 548 49 9 19 13 /
2 Piece + 27 Willpower
3 Piece + 1 Path of Dark Rites Abilities

Devastator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Devastator Bloodwades 26/26 12 264 24 7 7 8 /
Devastator Armscales 27/27 8 280 25 / 7 6 + 1% Parry
Devastator Painmantle 28/28 16 342 23 15 9 / + 2% Healing Critical Chance
Devastator Gorget 29/29 20 324 32 10 3 12 /
Devastator Breastscale 29/29 25 380 32 / 9 10 + 40 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 29/29 81 1590 136 42 35 36 /
2 Piece +47 Willpower
3 Piece +240 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to recover 250 Health
5 Piece +4% Healing Critical Chance

Annihilator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Annihilator Bloodwades 35/35 32 366 21 10 / 13 + 2% Dodge
Annihilator Armscales 35/36 37 366 23 11 14 9 /
Annihilator Painmantle 35/37 55 424 25 18 / 12 + 1% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Annihilator Gorget 35/38 50 432 25 12 13 / + 2% Disrupt
Annihilator Breastscale 35/39 67 472 32 / 23 14 + 60 HP Every 4 Seconds
Total 35/39 241 2060 126 51 50 48 /
2 Piece + 53 Willpower
3 Piece + 290 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece + 1 Path of Dark Rites Abilities
5 Piece + 5% Healing Critical Chance

Conqueror Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Conqueror Bloodwades 40/40 70 392 14 / 16 10 + 2% Healing Critical Chance / / /
Conqueror Armscales 40/41 81 392 25 15 8 / + 2% Disrupt / / /
Conqueror Bladebelt 40/42 49 / 18 / 6 12 + 36 Healing Power 83 77 83
Conqueror Painmantle 40/43 111 450 29 16 12 / + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / /
Conqueror Gorget 40/44 122 450 17 10 30 / + 2% Dodge / / /
Conqueror Breastscale 40/45 147 510 33 19 13 / + 3 AP Per Second / / /
Total 40/45 580 2194 136 60 85 22 / 83 77 83
2 Piece + 57 Willpower
3 Piece + 63 Toughness
4 Piece + 69 Wounds
5 Piece on Defense : 25% chance to increase Parry, Evade and Disrupt by 10% for 10 seconds
6 Piece + 5% Healing Critical Chance

Vanquisher Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Vanquisher Bloodwades 40/56 109 418 22 10 11 / + 2% Healing Critical Chance / / /
Vanquisher Armscales 40/56 126 418 20 10 21 / + 2% Disrupt / / /
Vanquisher Bladebelt 40/55 76 / 22 / 22 8 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit 87 86 86
Vanquisher Painmantle 40/57 172 482 / 28 18 16 + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration / / /
Vanquisher Gorget 40/57 189 482 15 / 21 20 + 3% Disrupt / / /
Vanquisher Breastscale 40/58 229 548 35 / 11 19 + 2% Reduction in being Critically Hit / / /
Total 40/58 901 2348 114 48 104 63 / 87 86 86
2 Piece + 62 Willpower
3 Piece + 68 Wounds
4 Piece Imperative Spirit - On Casting Heal: 20% chance to recover 15 Career Resources over 3 seconds.
5 Piece + 5% Healing Critical Chance
6 Piece Increasing Impetus - On Attacking Target or Direct Heal Dealt: 5% chance to reduce build times by 25% for 5 seconds.

Invader Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Invader Bloodwades 40/61 25 442 22 / / 18 + 2% Disrupt + 3 Morale Per Second / / /
Invader Armscales 40/61 21 442 25 15 17 / + 1% Healing Critical Chance / / /
Invader Bladebelt 40/60 15 / 18 / 12 / + 2% Dodge + 2% Disrupt 91 91 91
Invader Painmantle 40/62 34 514 26 12 20 / + 2% Healing Critical Chance / / /
Invader Gorget 40/62 37 514 29 / 13 18 + 3% Reduced Armor Penetration / / /
Invader Breastscale 40/63 45 584 36 16 12 21 + 1 AP Per Second / / /
Invader Blood Coil 40/63 43 / 12 / 27 / + 2 Morale Per Second + 2% Reduced Armor Penetration 79 78 78
Total 40/63 220 2496 168 43 101 57 / / 170 169 169
2 Piece + 66 Willpower
3 Piece + 73 Wounds
4 Piece + 80 Toughness
5 Piece + 5% Healing Critical Chance
6 Piece Absolve I - On Direct Heal: 5% chance to remove a Hex, Curse, or Ailment from your heal target
7 Piece Power of Blood - All your healing abilities have 10% chance to increase the power of your heals by 12% for 10 seconds.

Warlord Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Strength Toughness Wounds Initiative Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Warlord Bloodwades 40/71 31 482 31 / 18 / 17 + 2% Dodge / / /
Warlord Armscales 40/71 27 482 25 / 25 / 18 + 1% Melee Critical Chance / / /
Warlord Bladebelt 40/70 19 / 21 / 26 15 16 / 101 101 102
Warlord Painmantle 40/72 42 572 35 / 21 15 / + 2% Melee Critical Chance / / /
Warlord Gorget 40/72 47 572 32 / / 14 20 + 5 AP Per Second / / /
Warlord Breastscale 40/73 57 646 36 / 25 20 / + 4% Parry / / /
Warlord Torment Cloak 40/70 24 / 22 18 18 / / + 2% Melee Critical Chance 102 101 101
Warlord Blood Chain 40/73 54 / 16 / 30 / / + 1 AP Per Second 87 87 86
Total 40/73 301 2754 218 18 163 64 71 / 290 289 289
2 Piece + 75 Strength
3 Piece + 83 Weapon Skill
4 Piece + 6% Armor Penetration
5 Piece + 99 Melee Power
6 Piece + 2 Path of Torture Abilities
7 Piece On Hit: 10% chance to recover 60 Action Points over 3 seconds.
8 Piece Gain ability: Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 seconds.

Overlord Set

Rank Costs Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Bonus #2
Painmantle of the Overlord 40 150 Exemplar Seals

250 Paragon Seals

475 23 18 12 14 +2% Reduction in being Critically Hit /
Gorget of the Overlord 40 150 Exemplar Seals

250 Paragon Seals

475 28 / 10 14 +2% Reduction in being Critically Hit +12 Healing Power
Total 40 300 Exemplar Seals

500 Paragon Seals

950 51 18 22 28 / /
2 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to decrease incoming damage by 4% for 10 seconds

Imperator Set

Rank Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Bonus #2
Painmantle of the Imperator 40 150 Exemplar Seals

250 Paragon Seals

475 12 / 23 29 +5 Auto Attack Haste +1% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Gorget of the Imperator 40 150 Exemplar Seals

250 Paragon Seals

475 / 12 28 24 +5 Auto Attack Haste +1% Reduced Chance to be Parried
Total 40 300 Exemplar Seals

500 Paragon Seals

950 12 12 51 53 / /
2 Piece Cooldown of Rend Soul decreased by 25%

RvR Accessories

Genesis Set

Curative Set

Rank/Renown Willpower Wounds Initiative Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Genesis Aspect of the Curative 36 / / 24 + 36 Healing Power / 64 64 64
Genesis Fragment of the Curative 36 24 / / + 1% Dodge + 1% Disrupt 57 57 57
Genesis Remnant of the Curative 36 24 24 / / / 64 64 64
Genesis Shard of the Curative 36 / / / + 2% Dodge + 2% Disrupt 55 55 55
Genesis Cloak of the Curative 36 / / / + 4 AP Per Second / 53 53 53
Total 36 48 24 24 / / 293 293 293
2 Piece + 37 Willpower
3 Piece + 3% Reduction to be Critically Hit
4 Piece + 3% Armor Penetration Reduced
5 Piece + 3% Healing Critical Chance

Warrior Set

Rank Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Genesis Aspect of the Warrior 36 / 24 / + 36 Melee Power / 64 64 64
Genesis Fragment of the Warrior 36 / / 14 + 3% Parry / 53 53 53
Genesis Remnant of the Warrior 36 24 / 24 / / 64 64 64
Genesis Shard of the Warrior 36 / / / + 2% Dodge + 2% Disrupt 55 55 55
Genesis Cloak of the Warrior 36 / / 28 + 4 AP Per Second / 53 53 53
Total 36 24 24 66 / / 289 289 289
2 Piece + 37 Strength
3 Piece + 3% Reduced Chance to be Parry
4 Piece + 37 Weapon Skill
5 Piece + 3% Melee Critical Chance


Braggart Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of the Braggart 7/7 13 80 2 2 6 4 /
Breastscale of the Braggart 8/8 40 110 5 / 8 4 +1% Parry Strikethrough
Total 8/8 53 190 7 2 14 8 /
2 Piece +14 Strength

Challenger Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of the Challenger 15/15 18 160 4 / 2 10 12 /
Armscales of the Challenger 16/16 21 168 7 6 / 14 5 /
Breastscale of the Challenger 17/17 50 220 9 6 / 15 / +2% Parry Strikethrough
Total 17/17 89 548 20 12 2 39 17 /
2 Piece +27 Strength
3 Piece +1 Path of Sacrifice Abilities

Duelist Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of the Duelist 26/26 20 264 11 7 / 20 8 /
Armscales of the Duelist 27/27 24 280 / / 6 21 11 +1% Parry Strikethrough
Painmantle of the Duelist 28/28 28 342 / / 4 28 15 +2% Melee Crit
Gorget of the Duelist 29/29 32 324 13 / 6 24 14 /
Breastscale of the Duelist 29/29 61 380 16 9 / 26 / +40HP/4s Regen
Total 29/29 165 1590 40 16 16 119 48 /
2 Piece +47 Strength
3 Piece +47 Toughness
4 Piece On Hit: 10% chance to heal defensive target
5 Piece +4% Melee Crit

Mercenary Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of the Mercenary 35/35 33 376 10 / / 25 13 + 2% Dodge
Armscales of the Mercenary 35/36 37 376 / 11 9 29 16 /
Painmantle of the Mercenary 35/38 75 432 16 / / 13 29 + 2% Disrupt
Gorget of the Mercenary 35/37 115 423 12 / / 28 18 + 3% Reduction in being Critically Hit
Breastscale of the Mercenary 35/39 150 480 / 12 / 32 17 + 3 AP Per Second
Total 35/39 410 2087 38 23 9 127 93 /
2 Piece + 62 Strength
3 Piece + 480 Armor Bonus
4 Piece + 1 Path of Tortue Abilities
5 Piece + 5% Melee Critical Chance

Dominator Set

Rank/Renown Costs Armor Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Bloodwades of the Dominator 40/40 375 400 / 10 16 27 +3% Melee Crit / / /
Armscales of the Dominator 40/41 265 400 / 8 15 27 +2% Parry Strikethrough / / /
Bladebelt of the Dominator 40/42 155 / 18 12 6 / +36 Melee Power 74 77 83
Painmantle of the Dominator 40/43 480 450 18 / 32 12 +10 AutoAttack Speed / / /
Gorget of the Dominator 40/44 590 450 / 17 32 10 +2% Block Strikethrough / / /
Breastscale of the Dominator 40/45 700 500 13 19 35 / +3 AP Regen / / /
Total 40/45 2565 2200 49 66 136 76 / 74 77 83
2 Piece +66 Strength
3 Piece +66 Wounds
4 Piece +5% Parry Strikethrough
5 Piece On Hit: 25% chance to steal Toughness from your target for 10 seconds
6 Piece +5% Melee Crit

Public Quest

Carnage Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of Carnage 5 56 2 1 4 5 / /
Breastscale of Carnage 5 70 5 / / 4 2 +3 Melee Power
Total 5 126 7 1 4 9 2 /
2 Piece +10 Willpower

Havoc Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of Havoc 13 128 9 / 7 3 / +1% Melee Crit
Armscales of Havoc 14 136 11 3 / 7 4 /
Breastscale of Havoc 15 180 / 9 3 12 / +2% Parry
Total 15 444 20 12 10 22 4 /
2 Piece +23 Strength
3 Piece +1 Path of Torture Abilities

Mayhem Set

Rank Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of Mayhem 22 216 7 8 7 17 / /
Armscales of Mayhem 23 224 / 10 6 15 / +1% Parry Strikethrough
Painmantle of Mayhem 24 261 / 7 / 18 11 +2% Crit Reduction
Gorget of Mayhem 25 260 10 2 8 25 / /
Breastscale of Mayhem 24 290 13 / / 20 7 +40HP/4s Regen
Total 25 1251 30 27 21 95 18 /
2 Piece +37 Strength
3 Piece +192 Corporeal Resistance
4 Piece +37 Wounds
5 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to gain 50 morale

Ruin Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Bloodwades of Ruin 34 320 9 / 12 11 23 / /
Armscales of Ruin 35 336 8 / / / 12 23 +2% Parry
Painmantle of Ruin 35 387 13 / 11 / 26 / +3% Heal Crit
Gorget of Ruin 36 378 28 14 11 / 12 / /
Breastscale of Ruin 36 430 29 15 / / 14 / +3 Morale Regen
Total 36 1851 57 29 34 11 87 23 /
2 Piece +55 Willpower
3 Piece +55 Strength
4 Piece +1 Path of Sacrifice Abilities
5 Piece +55 Toughness

Onslaught Set

Rank/Renown Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Bloodwades of Onslaught 40/32 360 / 14 16 18 +2% Dodge
Armscales of Onslaught 40/32 360 24 12 16 12 /
Painmantle of Onslaught 40/32 406 16 18 24 / +3% Crit Reduction
Gorget of Onslaught 40/32 406 22 20 16 / +2% Disrupt
Breastscale of Onslaught 40/32 450 22 16 24 / +72HP/4s Regen
Total 40/32 1982 84 80 96 30 /
2 Piece +60 Willpower
3 Piece +60 Wounds
4 Piece On Heal: 10% chance to recover 45 Soul Essence over 3 seconds
5 Piece +5% Heal Crit


Hunter Set

Rank/Renown Armor Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1
Hunter's Bloodwades 7 80 / 5 4 8 +2% Parry
Hunter's Breastscale 8 110 2 4 2 4 /
Total 8 190 2 9 6 12 /
2 Piece +2% Melee Crit

Tracker Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Strength Weapon Skill Bonus #1
Tracker's Bloodwades 14 120 9 6 4 / 3 /
Tracker's Armscales 12 104 5 / / 7 3 +8 Reduce Hate
Tracker's Breastscale 16 170 8 / 4 12 / +20HP/4s Regen
Total 16 394 22 6 8 19 6 /
2 Piece +20 Willpower
3 Piece +1 Path of Torture Abilities

Stalker Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1
Stalker's Bloodwades 26 264 12 / 4 / 7 +2% Dodge
Stalker's Armscales 26 280 / 8 / 5 23 +1% Melee Crit
Stalker's Painmantle 28 342 18 7 9 / 11 /
Stalker's Breastscale 30 380 19 / 7 / 13 +2% Disrupt
Total 30 1266 49 15 20 5 54 /
2 Piece +34 Willpower
3 Piece +2 Morale Regen
4 Piece +34 Toughness

Beastlord Set

Rank/Renown Armor Willpower Wounds Weapon Skill Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Beastlord Blood Chain 37/30 / 23 / 13 / 48 48 64
Beastlord Cloak 39/32 / 24 32 / / 62 84 62
Beastlord Hunting Guide 40/33 / / / / +Group AP Regen for 15s; 30m cooldown / / /
Beastlord Painmantle 38/31 459 24 16 16 / / 80 40
Beastlord Gorget 37/30 450 20 20 16 / 45 / 75
Beastlord Breastscale 39/32 520 14 30 17 / 85 / 65
Total 40/33 1429 105 98 62 / 240 212 306
3 Piece +58 Weaponskill
4 Piece +58 Willpower
5 Piece +5% Parry Strikethrough
6 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to heal group over 9 seconds

Rare Fortune Set

Rank Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Bonus #1
Rare Fortune Bloodwades 37 400 25 10 / 13 +2% Dodge
Rare Fortune Armscales 37 400 24 11 14 16 /
Rare Fortune Painmantle 39 468 24 / 18 16 +3% Heal Crit
Rare Fortune Gorget 38 432 29 / 13 16 +12 Healing Power
Rare Fortune Breastscale 39 520 28 / 16 17 +3% Armor Pen Reduction
Total 39 2220 130 21 61 78 /
2 Piece +58 Initiative
3 Piece +58 Willpower
4 Piece On Being Hit: 10% chance to heal group over 9 seconds
5 Piece +5% Heal Crit

Redeye Set

Rank/Renown Armor Willpower Toughness Wounds Initiative Strength Bonus #1 Sp. Resist El. Resist Co. Resist
Redeye Cloak 40/40 / 12 21 21 / / / 91 60 73
Redeye Bloodwades 40/32 360 15 17 18 / / +3% Crit Reduction / / /
Redeye Armscales 40/32 360 24 / 16 12 12 / / / /
Redeye Painmantle 40/45 406 16 20 26 / / +2% Armor Pen Reduction / / /
Redeye Gorget 40/45 406 22 14 29 / 13 / / / /
Redeye Breastscale 40/45 450 20 30 17 / / +3 AP Regen / / /
Total 40/45 1982 109 102 127 12 25 / 91 60 73
2 Piece +3% Crit Reduction
3 Piece +60 Willpower
4 Piece +200 Armor
5 Piece On Hit: 10% chance to heal defensive target
6 Piece +5% Heal Crit