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Guilds in Return of Reckoning are player-run communities that work together to overcome enemy players, monsters, and more.

Forming a Guild

Create a new guild by speaking to the Guild Registrar in your Capital City.

To form your own Guild, you'll need a full party of unguilded players - 6 total - and you'll need to speak to Guntam Schreiber in Southwest Altdorf or X in Northeast Inevitable City.

Joining an Existing Guild

There are a few ways to join existing guilds:

  • 1: Hit G or open your Guild Window to see a list of active and recruiting guilds, and scroll through to find one you like. Whisper their recruiters listed or ask in general chat to speak to their members.
  • 2: Use the LFG Chat (by default, /5) to advertise your interest in joining a guild, and see what responses you get.
  • 3: Use the Return of Reckoning official Discord and check out their Guild Recruitment channels to have a look at additional active guild options for both realms.

Guild Taxes

Guilds can set a Guild Tax, but don't stress too hard over this - it only taxes based on PvE mobs killed, and doesn't impact vendor sales, Auction House sales, or money you make anywhere else in the game.

The money earned from Guild Taxes goes into the Guild Bank, which Leaders and Officers can use to buy items for guild members or to claim zones for a Guild Coin.

Guild Leveling and Perks

Guilds level up as their members earn EXP within the game, and as a Guild levels, it gains bonus perks for all members to take advantage of.

Key perks include:

  • Access to Guild Halls (Sigmar's Hammer and The Viper Pit) at Rank 6
  • Access to crafting merchants with items to make leveling professions faster
  • Access to scrolls to port yourself back to your Guild Hall, or instantly to Dungeon Entrances
  • Guild Heraldry - Select a unique Guild heraldry that members can display on their capes and on banners
  • Access to special Guild Mounts in exchange for Guild Coins at Rank 37

Guild Banks

Your guild vault, located in Capital Cities, holds both item and gold for officers and members to use.

Every guild has a Bank that their members can use. As your guild grows, you'll be able to expand to earn additional vaults, and your Guild Leader can decide who gets access to which vaults based on rank.

Many guilds use these vaults to store items for members to grab whenever needed, with rarer items going into special vaults for more trusted members to access.

Guild Standards/Banners

As guilds level up, they can assign members to be Standard Bearers. (Also known as Guild Banners.)

These banners display the heraldry selected by your Guild Leader, and come with powerful abilities like 15 second invulnerability and a resurrect skill. They also grant a movement speed buff while held, and by placing them on the ground or simply holding them, they grant 3 special buffs that your Guild can select while you level.

Of these, the Renown boost is the most commonly seen, but you can also grant EXP and Influence boosts, or boost the stats of nearby allies. Even non-guilded teammates in your realm can share the perks of these banners.

Claiming a Zone as a Guild

Guilds can also boost the Renown gain of their members by an additional 5% in the RvR lakes. Doing so will grant your guildmates completion of the RvR Lock Guild Coin quest, provided you're in a warband or 6-man with a full party of guildmates.

To claim a zone, a ranking member must type ".guildinvolve" into chat. The system will attempt to pull 40-50gold out of your guild bank, and if successful, all members will see a new buff and a message will display across the screen confirming your guild's involvement.

Claiming a Keep as a Guild

Guilds can also claim keeps, which drains funds from the Guild Bank but can provide some perks for your realm.