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''Not implemented yet''
Night of Murder is a [[Live Events|Live Event]] themed around the Warhammer version of Valentines and Khaine, the Lord of Murder. 

This category lists the Tome of Knowledge [[Achievements]] unlocks for '''Night of Murder'''.
<i>As darkness falls on the Night of Murder, the worshippers of death bathe the land in blood, all intent on proving their devotion to the Elven god Khaine. It is a time that the forces of Destruction are all too willing to exploit. Assassins infiltrate the cities, while on the battlefield the differences between Good and Evil fade beneath the crimson haze of bloodlust. None are immune to the will of Khaine during this dark holiday.</i>
As darkness falls on the Night of Murder, the worshipers of death bathe the land in blood, each intent on proving their devotion to the Elven god Khaine. Assassins infiltrate the cities while on the battlefield the difference between good and evil fade beneath the crimson haze of bloodlust. For none are immune to the will of Khaine during this time.
Though the Night of Murder has its origins in Naggaroth. In the Age of Reckoning the Dark Elves have spread their bloody tradition across the world. If you want to survive, you must submit to Khaine’s murderous desires.
*<b> Satisfy Khaine’s Bloodlust  1 / 10</b>
: For Order - Speak to the Wild-Eyed Guiltseeker to learn how you can hold back Khaine’s murderous hand.
: For Destruction -  Speak to the Twisted Slaughterhag to find out how you can appease Khaine’s need for bloodshed.
*<b> Kill enemy player    0 / 250 </b>
: Amid all the bounties, the war still goes on! Send your enemies to their graves - marked or not!
*<b> Complete the ‘Marked for Death’ quest    0 / 5 </b>
:* For Order - Speak to the Wild-Eyed Guiltseeker to find out which enemies are ‘marked’.
:* For Destruction - Speak to the Twisted Slaughterhag to find out which enemies are ‘marked’.
*<b> Kill Enemy Players while under the Fascination with Murder  0 / 20</b>
: Obtain the buff ‘Fascination with Murder’ by interacting with the Shrines of Khaine in contested ORvR lakes.
*<b> Assassinate enemy guild officers or leaders  0 / 5</b>
: The surest way to kill any snake is to cut off its head… Without their leaders, your enemies will falter and break.
*<b> Assassinate one of every enemy career  0 / 12</b>
: A true assassin knows how to pick their marks. Test your mettle against every foe before you.
::<i> Interact with this line item to view your checklist. </i>
*<b> Throw the skull of an Enemy Player  0 / 10</b>
: There is nothing quite so demoralizing to your enemy as tossing around the skulls of their fallen allies.
*<b> Slaughter a Keep’s Defenders  0 / 5</b>
: Maximize the bloodshed in Khaine’s honor by capturing a keep.
*<b>Begin your Infiltration of the Enemy Capital.  0 / 1</b>
:* For Order - Speak to Thomas Schuller in the Altdorf Market Square about how you can infiltrate the Inevitable City.
:* For Destruction - Speak to Raetha Blooddaughter along Fate’s Edge in the Inevitable City about how you can infiltrate Altdorf.
::*<i> The 2025 Night of Murder Event introduced the ‘Infiltrator’s Cloak’ obtained by taking the infiltration quest. Take the Infiltrator’s Cloak from your quest bag and put it on your hotbar. You can use it to go into stealth. You cannot use any abilities while in stealth. This item will be granted at each stage of the infiltration quest. This item is timed. </i>
*<b>Complete all Night of Murder Tasks  0 / 10</b>
=<b>Exclusive Night of Murder Live Event Rewards</b>=
*Basic Rewards: Well-Mounted Skull.  Places a pike next to the body of a fallen foe, topped with their head.
*Advanced Rewards: Event-slot item with career specific stats
*Elite Rewards: A <b>Prayer to Khaine</b> which can be traded in at a live event vendor for either a Night of Murder cloak or trophy. Alternatively, players can choose a Night-of-Murder themed trophy, such as the <b>Murder Fang</b> for Order, the <b>Screaming Skull</b> for Destruction, or either realm can claim the <b>Essence of Khaine</b>.
=<b>Exclusive Night of Murder Live Event Mounts Quest Rewards</b>=
*<b>Pegasus</b> for Order.
*<b>Dark Pegasus</b> or <b>Dark Pegasus Disc</b> for Destruction.
=<b>Exclusive Night of Murder Event Titles</b>=
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:96%;text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:96%;text-align:center"
!Related Unlock/Task
|Complete the Marked Quest 10 Times
| Devotee of Khaine
|XP: 50
| Kill 200 Marked Targets
| Both
|Defeat 20 Marked monsters
| Bloodborn
|XP: 50
| Kill 100 Marked Targets in Scenarios
| Both
|Kill 25 enemy players
| Khaine's Forgotten
|XP: 50
| Die While Marked 25 Times
| Both
|Toss the Lobbin Noggin of an enemy player 5 times
| Grim Reaper
|XP: 50
| Stake 25 Enemies’ with their Well-Mounted Skulls
| Both
|Assassinate 1 member of each enemy career
| Destroyer of Lords
|XP: 50
| Slaughter a Keep's Defenders 10 Times
| Both
|Murder 10 Keep Lords
| The Murderous
|XP: 50
| Complete the 'Marked for Death' Quest 10 Times
| Both
|Participate in Any Elf Scenario
| Bloody Postmaster
|XP: 50
| Mail Back Someone's Thoroughly Lobbed Noggin
| Both
|Gain a buff from a Shrine of Khaine
| Master Assassin
|XP: 50
| Complete All Night of Murder Tasks
| Both
|Kill 15 players of each enemy race
|XP: 50
|Assassinante 5 enemy guild officers
=<b>Exclusive Night of Murder Event Dyes</b>=
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a guild leader
|XP: 50
|+<b>Night of Murder Event Dyes</b>
|Complete All Night of Murder Tasks
|[[Titles|Title]]: Master Assassin, XP: 50
|Assassinate an Ironbreaker or a Black Orc
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Runepriest or a Shaman
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Engineer or a Squig Herder
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Knight of the Blazing Sun or a Chosen
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Warrior Priest or a Zealot
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Bright Wizard or a Magus
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Witch Hunter or a Marauder
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Swordmaster or a Black Guard
|XP: 50
|Assassinate an Archmage or a Disciple of Khaine
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a Shadow Warrior or a Sorcerer
|XP: 50
|Assassinate a White Lion or a Witch Hunter
|XP: 50
|Defeat 15 Greenskins or Dwarfs
|XP: 50
|Defeat 15 Empire humans or Chaos humans
|XP: 50
|Defeat 15 High Elves or Dark Elves
| style="text-align:right;"|
|XP: 50
*    Cardinal Red
*    Valentine's Pink
*    Valentine's Love Pink
*    Shadowblade Grey
*    Hellebron Purple
*    Nethu's Silver
*    Mists of Mirai Purple
*    Atharti Purple
*    Tullaris Purple
*    Murderous Rage Red  (Specular)
*    Rephallim Shimmer Red  (Specular)
*    Har Ganeth Steel  (Specular)
*    Khaine's Offering Red
*    Doomfire Magenta
*    Druchii Violet
*    Naggaroth Night
*    Wracked Bone
*    Rakarth Flesh
*    Bloodwine Burgundy
*    Pale Queen's Violet
*    Death Hag Purple
*    Savage Hunt Red

Revision as of 21:22, 14 February 2025

Night of Murder is a Live Event themed around the Warhammer version of Valentines and Khaine, the Lord of Murder.

As darkness falls on the Night of Murder, the worshippers of death bathe the land in blood, all intent on proving their devotion to the Elven god Khaine. It is a time that the forces of Destruction are all too willing to exploit. Assassins infiltrate the cities, while on the battlefield the differences between Good and Evil fade beneath the crimson haze of bloodlust. None are immune to the will of Khaine during this dark holiday.

As darkness falls on the Night of Murder, the worshipers of death bathe the land in blood, each intent on proving their devotion to the Elven god Khaine. Assassins infiltrate the cities while on the battlefield the difference between good and evil fade beneath the crimson haze of bloodlust. For none are immune to the will of Khaine during this time.


Though the Night of Murder has its origins in Naggaroth. In the Age of Reckoning the Dark Elves have spread their bloody tradition across the world. If you want to survive, you must submit to Khaine’s murderous desires.

  • Satisfy Khaine’s Bloodlust 1 / 10
For Order - Speak to the Wild-Eyed Guiltseeker to learn how you can hold back Khaine’s murderous hand.
For Destruction - Speak to the Twisted Slaughterhag to find out how you can appease Khaine’s need for bloodshed.
  • Kill enemy player 0 / 250
Amid all the bounties, the war still goes on! Send your enemies to their graves - marked or not!
  • Complete the ‘Marked for Death’ quest 0 / 5
  • For Order - Speak to the Wild-Eyed Guiltseeker to find out which enemies are ‘marked’.
  • For Destruction - Speak to the Twisted Slaughterhag to find out which enemies are ‘marked’.
  • Kill Enemy Players while under the Fascination with Murder 0 / 20
Obtain the buff ‘Fascination with Murder’ by interacting with the Shrines of Khaine in contested ORvR lakes.
  • Assassinate enemy guild officers or leaders 0 / 5
The surest way to kill any snake is to cut off its head… Without their leaders, your enemies will falter and break.
  • Assassinate one of every enemy career 0 / 12
A true assassin knows how to pick their marks. Test your mettle against every foe before you.
Interact with this line item to view your checklist.
  • Throw the skull of an Enemy Player 0 / 10
There is nothing quite so demoralizing to your enemy as tossing around the skulls of their fallen allies.
  • Slaughter a Keep’s Defenders 0 / 5
Maximize the bloodshed in Khaine’s honor by capturing a keep.
  • Begin your Infiltration of the Enemy Capital. 0 / 1
  • For Order - Speak to Thomas Schuller in the Altdorf Market Square about how you can infiltrate the Inevitable City.
  • For Destruction - Speak to Raetha Blooddaughter along Fate’s Edge in the Inevitable City about how you can infiltrate Altdorf.
  • The 2025 Night of Murder Event introduced the ‘Infiltrator’s Cloak’ obtained by taking the infiltration quest. Take the Infiltrator’s Cloak from your quest bag and put it on your hotbar. You can use it to go into stealth. You cannot use any abilities while in stealth. This item will be granted at each stage of the infiltration quest. This item is timed.
  • Complete all Night of Murder Tasks 0 / 10

Exclusive Night of Murder Live Event Rewards

  • Basic Rewards: Well-Mounted Skull. Places a pike next to the body of a fallen foe, topped with their head.
  • Advanced Rewards: Event-slot item with career specific stats
  • Elite Rewards: A Prayer to Khaine which can be traded in at a live event vendor for either a Night of Murder cloak or trophy. Alternatively, players can choose a Night-of-Murder themed trophy, such as the Murder Fang for Order, the Screaming Skull for Destruction, or either realm can claim the Essence of Khaine.

Exclusive Night of Murder Live Event Mounts Quest Rewards

  • Pegasus for Order.
  • Dark Pegasus or Dark Pegasus Disc for Destruction.

Exclusive Night of Murder Event Titles

Title Related Unlock/Task Faction
Devotee of Khaine Kill 200 Marked Targets Both
Bloodborn Kill 100 Marked Targets in Scenarios Both
Khaine's Forgotten Die While Marked 25 Times Both
Grim Reaper Stake 25 Enemies’ with their Well-Mounted Skulls Both
Destroyer of Lords Slaughter a Keep's Defenders 10 Times Both
The Murderous Complete the 'Marked for Death' Quest 10 Times Both
Bloody Postmaster Mail Back Someone's Thoroughly Lobbed Noggin Both
Master Assassin Complete All Night of Murder Tasks Both

Exclusive Night of Murder Event Dyes

Night of Murder Event Dyes
  • Cardinal Red
  • Valentine's Pink
  • Valentine's Love Pink
  • Shadowblade Grey
  • Hellebron Purple
  • Nethu's Silver
  • Mists of Mirai Purple
  • Atharti Purple
  • Tullaris Purple
  • Murderous Rage Red (Specular)
  • Rephallim Shimmer Red (Specular)
  • Har Ganeth Steel (Specular)
  • Khaine's Offering Red
  • Doomfire Magenta
  • Druchii Violet
  • Naggaroth Night
  • Wracked Bone
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Bloodwine Burgundy
  • Pale Queen's Violet
  • Death Hag Purple
  • Savage Hunt Red